How I Created One Of The Best “Bots” on Reddit

Zacharie Happel
11 min readFeb 20, 2019

Reddit is an online forum-based community composed of individual sub-communities called subreddits. As is similar to other forms of social media, a noticeable amount of user-submitted content on Reddit is derived from that of other platforms; the most prominent being Twitter.

Having for years been a staunch user of both Reddit and Twitter, I decided to resolve the disconnect between Twitter screenshots and the Redditors discussing them. More specifically, a Redditor’s lack of ability to directly access and interact with on Twitter, the tweets uploaded to Reddit as images.

Example: TwitterLinkBot commenting the direct-URL to the tweet featured in the submission.

Bridging this divide, I developed TwitterLinkBot: An automated system that attempts to parse through all submissions made to Reddit, identifying those that contain screenshotted tweets and returning to them, in the form of a comment, a direct-URL to the tweet on Twitter.

Since it’s re-inception in 2019, TwitterLinkBot has parsed through over 2,500,000 submissions, identifying over 4,000 tweets. Climbing the ranks and competing with those that have been around much longer, TwitterLinkBot as ranked by users, currently stands at 12th among the 8,705 bots on Reddit.

