In The Tall Grass(2019) Review

James A.M.
2 min readMar 17, 2023


I​n The Tall Grass Review

T​hose of you that know me know that I love a good Stephen King story. I love his books and movies. Most of the time you get a very different experience reading and watching them. So I try to do both. For example, one of my personal favorites is Dreamcatcher. The ending of the movie and the book is very different. Both, I think, are good. Now this is one movie that I didn’t read the book first. I imagine it will still be very good in the end. See, this one is based on a novella. A great example would be The Mist, if you need to know what a novella consists of. As always, was this a good movie? Absolutely. Me and my wife(she often picks the movies before we watch anything) had been meaning to see this for a long time. Worth the wait.

I​ know this is being written a few years too late(2019), but if you missed a movie when it came out it’s easy to forget it even excited. Actually this happens a lot. I remember when I saw Pulp Fiction for the first time, many more years after its original release. Still just as good. Anyways, the premise of In the Tall Grass starts off simple enough. People get lost in some really tall grass. I mean really tall grass. They lose their way and lose each other. Most of them die etc. etc. etc. Right? Never that simple.

I​ spent the movie with my wife playing our game where we guess the ending of the film, only for both of us to be wrong over and over again. Now that, my friends, is a fun movie. Like some sort of Tarantino film, we bounce all over the place in time line terms. Like a Shyamalan it spends that time keeping you guessing what the big twist will be. It really does a good job blending the styles together actually. I might even watch it again in a few years. I wouldn’t go much further to explain the film as a good suspense film should never be spoiled for the people.

B​ut if you want to go to bed with sleep evading you maybe watch something else. It fulfills its purpose quite well as a suspenseful movie. And most people these days are looking for a reason to keep their Netflix subscription, well here is one last reason. In the Tall Grass is simply a complex labyrinth of storytelling that you can’t peel your eyes from.

E​njoy Readers

J​ames A.M.

