Kots and Steshin’s throwing anxiety fits

Злой Одессит
2 min readApr 27, 2021


Kots and Steshin’s throwing anxiety fits

It’s interesting to monitor from my “observation post” the way Russian propagandists — Alexander Kots and Dmitry Steshin — get all nervous about me reminding the public of their true role in conflicts — that they are no journalists or war correspondents, but subversive elements fulfilling orders of the Russian defense ministry and military intelligence, using their reporting job as a what they believe is a credible cover. They are also apparently shocked of me stressing their potential liability as war criminals. And it’s exactly the regularly highlighted issue of their war crimes that’s been bothering them the most recently.

The first one to burst into “confessions” was Dmitry Steshin, who gave an interview desperately trying to refute accusations of interrogating captured SBU Alfa unit’s troops in Sloviansk back 2014. Shortly after, the guy hastily fled Donetsk. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2573007819671789&id=100008877886960 Apparently he got scared of falling into the hands of Ukraine’s specops forces — and of the relevant implications.

Today, it was Aleksandr Kots who decided to address one of his crimes — the same interrogation of SBU operatives captured by terrorists in Slavyansk in 2014. He, too, started making up excuses, claiming he never interrogated anyone.

Pants on fire, boys! And that’s all because there’s a difference between being just a propaganda rag, without moral principles and self-dignity, and being forever branded as war criminal.



Злой Одессит

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