RussSo FT says Russia is plotting sabotage all across Europe…

Злой Одессит
3 min readMay 5, 2024


Well, I’d say the story is long overdue since it was published after Russia had already set up a well-structured and highly organized intelligence network already on European soil. Moreover, I’m far from believing that European intelligence agencies were unaware of this monstrous network being developed. In fact, not only were they aware, they also remained way too tolerant as they watched it expand.

For decades, Russian intelligence has employed a variety of ways to infiltrate Europe, as well as recruit assets from various population strata across the EU, creating a network so extensive and multi-layered that Western intelligence bosses were forced to sound to alarm once Russia activated its cells.

In the not-so-distant year 2021, the monograph was released, entitled “Strategic Communications Amid Hybrid War: Views from Volunteers and Scholars”. It dwelled on Russia’s information aggression against Ukraine, revealing the extensive reach of the Kremlin’s agents of influence, etc. It was penned by a team of professionals, which I was honored to join and contribute to the common cause.

In my section of work, I focused on exploring the problem of Russian agents making their way into Western societies, including under the guise of refugees, journalists, opposition figures, experts, civic activists, etc., all allegedly “persecuted” by the Putin regime. Specific examples were dissected of how human asset networks were created, including those in amazingly unexpected environments. Among those examples was the Sistema network of fight clubs in Germany.

The network, founded by immigrants from Russia, has grown rather prominent in Germany and across Europe in general in the past several years. This seemingly innocent network, organized by what at first glance appeared to be a group of true enthusiasts, has been actively used by Russian intelligence agencies to recruit agents from among local radicals. According to expert estimates, Russia now controls up to 300 active, well-trained militants in Germany.

A few years ago, the book “Putin’s Secret War”, authored by Boris Reitschuster, a German journalist and recognized expert on Russian malign influence, was published in Germany. The author stated that the Kremlin’s elite specops commandos have long been deployed across EU in full readiness to execute any order issued by their Moscow handlers.

Many other examples can be noted, but one thing remains central to the problem. Russian immigrants represent the most aggressive and destructive segment of those taking part in protests in any EU country. Russian nationals staying in Europe pose a potential threat as elements of chaos, being keen on recruiting radicals among the local population. They are also seen as potential saboteurs, especially at critical infrastructure facilities, and terrorists in its traditional sense.

In addition to recruiting Russian citizens, Moscow’s intelligence agencies have long invested into Russia support groups from among average Europeans and political elites. Moscow injects billions of dollars annually to maintain these networks and, despite the existing sanctions and the deteriorating economic situation, they don’t even think about curbing the effort to finance their “legionnaires” across Europe. This is especially relevant now that their activation is practically a matter of survival for their Kremlin bosses!

Europe caught on with the problem only after perfect conditions have been created for systemic sabotage and terrorist attacks on its territory. On the other hand, as some say, better late than never.

However, it’s critical that Europeans draw the right conclusions and deal with the issue with Russian intelligence networks as quickly and as uncompromisingly as possible.



Злой Одессит

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