Essential Reading List: PALESTINE

Shaykh Socrates
4 min readOct 10, 2023


May Allah preserve Al-Quds and safeguard the Muslims within its boundaries. Shame on all those so-called Muslim politicians who sit around and do absolutely nothing to aid the defence of the oppressed against the vicious Oppressor. Haqq and Bātil are being determined with each passing moment…

Alhamdulilah, I have once again been asked by some curious Muslim brothers and sisters over social media to compile a list of book recommendations on important subject materials to help equip the Ummah intellectually. In this post, the identified reading matter is PALESTINE. To further your understanding of Islam and the Colonial-Modern World we all currently inhabit for the time being, please consult the following titles that will readily equip you to understand the Palestinian cause and the ongoing Islamic & Decolonial struggle against the RACIST ZIONIST SETTLER-COLONIAL project that is the COLONIAL-MODERN NATION-STATE OF ISRAEL:


(1) The Most Important Problem of the Islamic World: Selected Statements by Ayatollah Khamenei About Palestine (PDF LINK:

(2) On Palestine (Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé, 2015)

(3) Ten Myths About Israel (Ilan Pappé, 2017)

(4) The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland (Shlomo Sand, 2014)

(5) A Line in the Sand: Britain, France and the Struggle That Shaped the Middle East (James Barr, 2012)

(6) The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World (Antony Loewenstein, 2023)

(7) Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt, 2008)

(8) The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Ilan Pappé, 2007)

(9) Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State (Jeff Halper, 2021)

(10) The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories (Ilan Pappé, 2019)

(11) The Question of Palestine (Edward W. Said, 1992)

(12) The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage (Arthur Koestler, 1976)

(13) The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, 1914–1920 (Eugene Rogan, 2022)

(14) The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance (Rashid L. Khalidi, 2022)

(15) Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History (Nur Masalha, 2020)

(16) Publish It Not: The Middle East Cover-Up (Christopher Mayhew & Michael Adams, 1975)

(17) Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Norman G. Finkelstein, 2003)

(18) Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out (Ramzy Baroud & Ilan Pappé, 2022)

(19) An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defense Force Made a Nation (Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, 2020)

(20) The Case for Sanctions Against Israel (Edited by Audrea Lim, 2012)

(21) Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians (Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé, 2011)

(22) Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?: Redefinition and the Myth of the ‘Collective Jew’ (Antony Lerman, 2022)

(23) Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn (Asa Winstanley, 2023)

(24) Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation (Tony Greenstein, 2022)

(25) The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (Norman G. Finkelstein, 2015)

(26) Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo (Seth Anziska, 2020)

(27) An Oral History of the Palestinian Nakba (Edited by Nahla Abdo & Nur Masalha, 2019)

(28) Palestine (Imam Khomeini; PDF LINK:

(29) Israel and South Africa: The Many Faces of Apartheid (Edited by Ilan Pappé, 2015)

(30) One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel (Ghada Karmi, 2023)


May Allah bless all those who are martyred in the way of upholding Al-Haqq. Allah Almighty states in His Final Proclamation to Mankind that those ‘killed’ fighting earnestly in the way of Allah are not dead but truly alive with their Rabb:

Our sincere ad’iyya 🤲🏽 for the oppressed. At the time of writing up this reading list, the people of Gaza find themselves once more besieged openly by their Zionist Oppressors. The fitan that the Gazans are facing is truly heartbreaking for all those external observers and spectators forced to sit on the sidelines and watch on from a safe distance. Here is a PDF LINK to the famous Nāsiri Dua devised by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Nāsir (d. 1085 AH). I encourage you, oh reader, to recite this prayer on behalf of those who are the recipients of injustice and mistreatment:

Ya Rabb, assist the Palestinians in their ongoing jihād to liberate themselves and their homeland from usurping tyrants and violent Mushrikūn! Destroy the Oppressors completely if they do not desist from oppressing others unjustly. Ya Allah, help the Palestinians lead the way for a Just Settlement to this colonial problem to manifest and allow the Palestinian Cause to serve as an excellent example in this regards for others to emulate. Āmīn thumma Āmīn.

May these readings guide you on your pathway back to Allah, dear reader!


