A Thank You Note for the Sweetness of Life’s Lollipop Moments

Muqadsa Zaineb
4 min readAug 22, 2023


because compliment belong to other people, why keep them with you:)

When I got to the end of the “Bonus Gift part of the course” I had this incredible number of people in my head. I just could see myself reliving all those moments (haha) and I knew exactly what and how I wanted to share that with those people. Sadly time constraints are there & I am choosing two at the moment. But am I writing emails to the rest this month? yes, definitely I am. Also, I plan on documenting this over my Instagram. Why not? (Thanks #AMAL for adding another positive highlight in my life and also my Instagram wall). Haha

So the people I have shortlisted because of the time constraints are, Bunny (he goes by the name Hammad) and a stranger, known by the name Tariq. (I am attempting all my efforts to locate him and share the medium post I have written about him). But haven’t succeded yet.But I just got some information from the workshop head about his contact details and hopefully will get in touch with him soon.

As far as the bunny is concerned, I met him in music class ( I was learning rabab and he was practicing guitar and that’s how it started) Memories. Haha.

Our first video call along with our first hike

Here Is the letter that I shared with him. It holds a lot of lollipop moments and has never stopped till today :). As of now, I am unable to see him in person due to both of our super busy schedules. But I definitely reached out to him via online mediums. It was nice. We are also planning to see each other in September so will get a chance to say all the stuff to his face.

Bunny read this :)

Thank you for all these small notes :) read them back

Here is how he responded. The text part is what I am adding here. But I got to speak to him about this on a call also. It was wholesome. I felt good and I guess we got more closer to each other. Yeap we did.

About the 2nd person I haven’t been able to find him as of yet (I am pretty sure I am close but here is a sneak peek of what I have written about him). I wrote a medium post about him separately because like his message was life-changing for me. I am literally not the same person anymore after that conversation I had with him. He is this angel of believes in giving back to the people. Here are some parts of the post I write about him, definitely for him.

The First excerpt
The end part :)

It was definitely a good practice and I have started it out on my Instagram highlights as well. I really want to practice it for life. Because I believe it’s such a positive adding factor in not just my life but people around me. And I literally have received messages that made my day. So thank you AMAl, I couldn’t have asked for more. :)

