5 Crazy Coffee Concoctions for Coffeeseurs


Wake up in a different country each day and smell the coffee

We scoured the ends of the world (aka the internet) to bring you the most innovative coffee concepts from around the world. Without further ado:

1. Greek Frappe

Nothing says I am relaxed and on vacation better than an ice-cold Greek frappe on a picturesque Grecian beach overlooking endless crystalline blue waters. The Greek Frappé is a delectably creamy iced coffee made with Nescafé, sugar, milk and ice. Deceptively simple, yet endlessly refreshing. One-up the recent dalgona trends, and enjoy a frappe instead. Here are some great places to get you started:

  • The New York Basics — 1090 Amsterdam Avenue, NY, NY, USA
  • Eat Greek — Mall of the Emirates or Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE
  • Literally any beach bar in any beach in Greece

2. Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffees are characterized by their thickness and richness of flavor. An ancient Turkish saying explains that coffee should be “as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love.” As an added bonus, once you are done with the coffee, flip the cup and have a fortune teller read you your future, embedded deep within the grooves of this thick brew. Here are some great places to find an authentic Turkish coffee:

3. Turmeric Latte

Whether you’ve seen Instagram posts or noticed it on a trendy café menu, you’ve probably asked yourself, “what is this mustard-color drink and why are people drinking it?” Well, we have answers. The what: turmeric is a spice deriving from the ginger plant family and it’s commonly used in curry dishes. The concoction of a turmeric latte usually consists of almond or coconut milk, fresh turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and honey. To make it a turmeric coffee latte, add a brewed espresso and vanilla extract and voila, you have yourself a delicately fragrant and slightly spicy golden caffeinated drink. Now the why: it’s all in the turmeric. Containing nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc, this spice offers a plethora of medicinal benefits: boosts immunity, promotes healthy digestion, reduces inflammation, and helps treat cancer among other illnesses. To try this golden latte, we recommend the following spots for you cosmopolitans-on-the-go:

4. Flaming Waterfall of Coffee

See it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRrXK4MP3oc

For those of you seeking to spice up your life with a caffeinated beverage beyond natural spices, we recommend seeking out the Mayan Flaming Coffee. This drink promises you a coffee and a show — how’s that for waking up?! A barista or bartender will skillfully mix Xtabentún, an anise liqueur (or tequila) from the Yucatán and Kahlua along with coffee AND yes fire, creating a flaming waterfall of blazed coffee topped with vanilla ice cream. Cheers to that! If you don’t believe us, watch the video above. To catch this flaming waterfall in action, make sure to visit these places the next time you’re in Mexico:

5. Clear Coffee

We all have that friend or coworker that claims “coffee stains my teeth, no thank you,” to which we react with disapproval. But this very bold statement subsequently invites us to question our own decisions to drink such a teeth-staining beverage. While this second-guessing lasts for 3 seconds for most of us, there is a solution, and it’s called “Clear Coffee.” Clear coffee looks like water but it’s the equivalent of a double shot of espresso. Say what? Made with roasted Arabica beans and water, this color-less cold brew encapsulates the taste and aroma of coffee. So if you’re feeling self-conscious about your teeth or simply want to jump on the trend, check out CLRCFF, developed by two Slovakaian brothers. You can find their clear coffee product on the shelves of Whole Foods Markets and Selfridges & Co. in London.

Bonus: Edible Coffee Cups

Who doesn’t like to nibble on a little sweet with their coffee? Now what about nibbling on the coffee cup itself? Several outlets in Italy and the US have devised edible coffee cups that are not only delicious but also waterproof and resistant to hot liquids. Talk about a treat! Here are some places you can find these cups:

There you have it, a coffee palette to suit any discerning coffeeseur. Whether artfully made, spiced-infused, or simply the opposite of what coffee typically looks like, we hope this list serves to drive your next travel adventure — in search for the most innovative, interesting coffee. So wake up and smell the coffee!

