When Do We Use Armoured Cable?

Aveen Singh
4 min readMar 12, 2024
Armoured Cable
Armoured Cable

In the realm of electrical installations, safety and reliability stand as paramount considerations. Whether you’re wiring a residential building, commercial complex, or industrial facility, the choice of cables plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and security of the electrical system. One option that frequently arises in such deliberations is the use of armoured cable. But when exactly do we use armoured cable, and what benefits do they offer over their non-armored counterparts? Let’s delve into these questions to shed light on this essential component of electrical infrastructure.

Understanding Armoured Cables:

Before delving into their applications, let’s grasp the essence of armoured cables. Armoured cables, also known as armored electrical cables or AC cables, feature a protective layer typically made of steel or aluminum, encasing the insulation and conductors within. This additional layer serves as a shield, safeguarding the cable against external elements such as moisture, chemicals, physical impact, and even rodent interference.

When to Opt for Armoured Cables:

1. Outdoor Installations:

One of the primary scenarios where armoured cables shine is in outdoor installations. Exposure to harsh weather conditions, UV radiation, and mechanical stresses demands cables with enhanced durability and resilience. Armoured Cables offer robust protection against these elements, ensuring uninterrupted power supply and minimizing maintenance requirements.

2. Industrial Environments:

Factories, manufacturing plants, and other industrial settings often harbor conditions that pose significant risks to electrical systems. Heavy machinery, corrosive substances, and high-temperature environments can all compromise the integrity of conventional cables. Armoured Cables provide an extra layer of defense, shielding against physical damage and chemical exposure, thus bolstering safety and reliability in industrial applications.

3. Underground Wiring:

Underground installations present unique challenges due to exposure to moisture, soil corrosion, and potential mechanical disturbances. Armoured Cables, with their rugged construction, provide an ideal solution for such environments. The protective armor guards against moisture ingress and mechanical damage, ensuring prolonged service life and minimizing the risk of electrical faults.

4. High-Traffic Areas:

In commercial buildings, public facilities, and areas with high foot traffic, cables are susceptible to accidental damage from pedestrian or vehicular activity. Armoured Cables offer superior protection against such incidents, reducing the likelihood of downtime and hazards associated with exposed wiring.

5. Critical Infrastructure:

Certain applications, such as hospitals, data centers, and telecommunications facilities, demand uncompromising reliability and uptime. Armoured Cables offer an added layer of security, reducing the risk of electrical faults and ensuring continuous operation of vital systems.

6. Rodent Prone Areas:

Rodents pose a persistent threat to electrical infrastructure, often gnawing through cables and causing short circuits or fires. Armoured Cables act as a deterrent against such damage, preventing rodents from accessing the insulated conductors within and safeguarding the integrity of the electrical system.

Benefits of Armoured Cables:

1. Enhanced Durability:

The armored construction of these cables imparts exceptional durability, making them resistant to physical damage, abrasion, and corrosion. This durability translates to extended service life and reduced maintenance costs over time.

2. Improved Safety:

By providing an additional layer of protection, armoured cables minimize the risk of electrical faults, fires, and accidents. This is particularly crucial in environments where safety is paramount, such as residential buildings, hospitals, and industrial facilities.

3. Reliable Performance:

Armoured cables offer consistent and reliable performance even in challenging conditions, ensuring uninterrupted power supply and operational continuity. This reliability is essential for critical applications where downtime is not an option.

4. Versatility:

Despite their robust construction, armoured cables remain flexible and adaptable, allowing for easy installation in various configurations. They can be used in overhead, underground, or concealed applications, offering versatility across different environments and scenarios.

5. Cost-Effectiveness:

While armoured cables may entail slightly higher upfront costs compared to non-armored alternatives, their superior durability and longevity result in long-term cost savings. Reduced maintenance expenses, fewer downtime incidents, and enhanced system reliability contribute to overall cost-effectiveness.

6. Compliance with Standards:

Armoured cables typically adhere to stringent quality and safety standards, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry norms. This compliance provides peace of mind to installers, designers, and end-users alike, knowing that their electrical infrastructure meets the necessary standards for safety and performance.

Electrical Cable in Australia

Looking for top-quality electrical cables in Australia? Look no further than Znergy Cable, your premier provider of reliable armoured cables. Our extensive range of Electrical Cable Australia includes armored cables designed to withstand the harshest conditions while ensuring unparalleled safety and performance. Whether you’re wiring outdoor installations, industrial facilities, or critical infrastructure, our armored cables offer the durability and reliability you need. Trust Znergy Cable for all your electrical cable needs in Australia, and experience the difference in quality and service that sets us apart.


In summary, the decision to use armoured cables hinges on various factors such as environmental conditions, application requirements, and safety considerations. From outdoor installations to industrial settings and critical infrastructure, armoured cables offer unparalleled protection and reliability, making them the preferred choice in demanding electrical installations. By investing in armoured cables, stakeholders can safeguard their assets, mitigate risks, and ensure the longevity and efficiency of their electrical systems. When safety and performance are non-negotiable, armoured cables emerge as the clear solution, providing peace of mind and enduring value in every application.



Aveen Singh

RM at Znergy Cable. Znergy cable is a global electrical component, electrical cable manufacturer in Australia. We design MV to HV cables & any specialist cables