Personal Update and encouragement: May 2018

BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog
2 min readMay 27, 2018


If you are new to BiblePay, please check out my “What is BiblePay?” blog post.

I was lucky enough to attend a performance of the Mwangaza Children’s Choir at my local church this month. They are currently touring around New Zealand, and many other parts of the world to raise funds to build a school in their local community.
The children were fantastic! They were funny, entertaining, full of exuberance, and extremely talented. What I enjoyed the most was listening to their testimonies. It really highlighted to me the dire need for more sponsors, and strengthened my desire to see BiblePay grow and care for many more children around the world. Without sponsorship support many of these children simply don’t go to school. Before being sponsored, some of the children were farming potatoes to help their family to put food on the table.
After the choir I helped to sign up people to sponsor children through TearFund (who are partnered with Compassion International). I had the opportunity to talk to the TearFund team about BiblePay and crypto. Who knows, perhaps one day we will be able to donate directly to charities and pay using BiblePay!

I have also been busy behind the scenes with BiblePay. I am in regular contact with multiple exchanges in the hopes of getting BiblePay listed, as well as trying to build some strategic partnerships in both the crypto and general fields. This is very much a work in progress, and I will keep you up to date. If you have any contacts or suggestions for organisations who may be interested in partnering with BiblePay please get in touch with me.

Also, this week, after many months of hard work, focus, and dedication, my wife published her first book! I am overjoyed to see all of her labor pay off as she now has a printed and a pdf/ebook version. It is called “Free to Dream” and is about letting God set you free to be able to dream big and live big!

How can I help or be involved?
We are always looking for people who want to be a part of changing the lives of those in our world who are most in need. If you would like to support our cause we would love you to get in touch via any of the means listed below. Specifically, to help the mission of BiblePay you can:

a) Write to our orphans.
b) Help us to cure disease using BOINC.
c) Invest in BiblePay at one of our partnered exchanges SouthXchange or QIEX.
d) Propose work to help BiblePay grow (and potentially be paid!).
e) Share our articles and mission on social media.

Finally, I’d like to encourage you all (and also myself):

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 (NKJV).

I hope you have a wonderful month.



BiblePay (BBP): znffal's blog

Hi! I am a team member for BiblePay: As of May 2018 BiblePay is sponsoring 329 needy children around the world!