The Orbital Program: Protocol Level Liquidity explained

Zenon DAO
6 min readJul 11, 2023


#AlienRewards powered by Orbital Program with a multiplier up to 120x

1. What is Zenon Network — Orbital Program

2. Orbital Program — Community edition

3. Orbital Program — Open edition

4. Mission: #Multiplier120x

5. How-to Guide for #AlienRewards 🪐

6. The Referral Program

7. QSR market opening

8. The DAO of DAOs | Zenon Network community links & social media

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1. What is Zenon Network — Orbital Program?

The Orbital Program was introduced to the Zenon community in late 2021.

Its revolutionary rewards mechanism is based on a protocol-level implementation powered by the dual-coin network emission.

This decentralized incentivization mechanism ensures a constant flow of rewards, sustainable growth, and empowers users from other networks to join the community with minimal effort.

Since the Alphanet Big Bang, a fraction of the total network emission was deposited into the liquidity-embedded contract to be used for the Orbital Program.

Orbital Program debuted with the launch of the NoM Multichain bridge and the opening of the Ethereum Portal.

At its core, the Orbital Program is designed to ensure stable predictable liquidity levels for the ecosystem.

The LPs are now first-class citizens in NoM.

They are incentivized like any other active network participant (Stakers, Delegators, Pillars, and Sentinels) by locking the corresponding LP tokens over a predefined period (from 1 to 12 months).

By providing liquidity inflow, every participant is proportionally rewarded in dual-coin rewards, ZNN and QSR.

Simply put, LPs stake their liquidity to get a share of daily dual-coin newtork emission: 15% of the total ZNN emission and 25% of the total QSR emission.

The locking period also determines the reward multiplier as follows:

Locking period:

1 month = 1X rewards
3 months = 3x rewards
6 months = 6x rewards
12 months = 12x rewards

As of today, the Orbital Program has a total of 289,223 $ZNN and 673,750 $QSR extra rewards.

Extra rewards accumulated so far (561.6 ZNN and 1250 QSR per day):

Moreover, the release of the extra rewards that were accumulated since the network’s inception is now becoming a reality.

To ensure a fair launch, the program was split into two phases: the Community Edition which lasts for a maximum of 30 days and has certain limitations, and the Open Edition which will run indefinitely

2. Orbital Program — Community edition: until 12th July 2023

The current phase, Orbital Program — Community edition, started with the launch of the decentralized bridge.

Ethereum was the first network to get bridged to Zenon: the Ethereum portal opened in early June.

As mentioned earlier, the wZNN<>ETH pool contract was released with several limitations:

- Users are not allowed to swap wZNN to ETH to avoid liquidity risks

- Liquidity cap: 162000 $ZNN

Please read the following article for more information:

Liquidity Bootstrap & Provisioning Campaign

3. Orbital Program — Open edition: starting 12th July 2023

Starting on July 12, all current limitations will be lifted and in addition to this, the community will benefit from several new developments:

- Multiplier up to 120x

- Referral Program

- $wQSR-$wZNN liquidity pool

4. Mission: #AlienRewards with Multiplier up to 120X

Global Scale Global Adoption vision will be enhanced by a combo of 2 multipliers that together can go up to 120x, ensuring a powerful reward mechanism for everyone:

✅ 120x multiplier

🔥 Up to 12x for staking the liquidity up to 12 months

💥 Up to 10x for hitting ETH liquidity thresholds (available only for Orbital Program — Community Edition)*

*Orbital Program — Open Edition will benefit from the #AlienRewards up to 120x multiplier but with different liquidity thresholds, join debates for the latest updates on this topic.

A. What is the LP staking multiplier?

After providing liquidity in the main pool, the LP can swap their LP tokens to NoM and stake the ZTS LP token for a period between 1 and 12 months (with the corresponding multiplier).

B. What does the LP staking multiplier apply to?

When Orbital distributes the rewards, it adds all the amounts staked together and splits the rewards to each stake entry based on the percentage it represents of the total amount.

For example, if there are 3 LP stake entries: 20 ZNN, 30 ZNN, and 50 ZNN, once you add them together you’ll get a total of 100 ZNN.

When Orbital distributes ~500 ZNN, it will split the ~500 ZNN between all the staking entries, so the 20 ZNN entry will get 20% of the ~500 ZNN, which is ~100 ZNN.

However, if the 20 ZNN entry is staked for 12 months, with a multiplier of 12x, and the other 2 entries are staked for 1 month with a multiplier of 1x, then the total would be calculated as 20 ZNN * 12 + 30 ZNN + 50 ZNN = 240 ZNN + 30 ZNN + 50 ZNN = 320 ZNN.

This means the 20 ZNN entry now gets a 75% share of the ~500 ZNN rewards, which is ~375 ZNN.

C. What is the liquidity threshold multiplier?

The Orbital program distributes exactly 561.6 ZNN and 1250 QSR every day.

The contract also has an additional reserve of ~290k ZNN and ~674k QSR (that was accumulated by the liquidity embedded since Alphanet inception) out of which a configurable amount can also be distributed daily depending on how and when the community decides to do that.

A new multiplier of 1x to 10x, the Liquidity Bootstrap Multiplier, is to be applied to the number of rewards distributed daily like this:

1x multiplier if the LP has 0–300 ETH (561.6 ZNN + 1250 QSR distributed daily)

2x multiplier if the LP has 300–600 ETH (1123.2 ZNN + 2500 QSR distributed daily)

10x multiplier if the LP has 2700–3000 ETH (5616 ZNN + 25000 QSR distributed daily)

This will be reset to 1x after the campaign ends or the Orbital program runs out of reserves (~290k ZNN + ~674k QSR)

Join for the latest updates on this topic.

D. How do we get to 120x?

The LP staking multiplier gets us 1–12X.

The liquidity bootstrap multiplier gets us 1–10x.

So we get a combined multiplier of 1–120x!

5. How-to Guide for #AlienRewards

A. Buy ZNN 💰

You need both wZNN & ETH to become an LP and participate in the Orbital Program 🪐

✅ Verified wZNN Token Contract

✅ Verified Uniswap 🦄 Pool Contract

Get your $ZNN from:




B. Add Liquidity 💧

Add liquidity to receive special LP tokens.

Liquidity can be added only via the NoM Multichain Bridge

C. Stake LP token 📈

After you’ve received the special LP tokens, swap from Ethereum to Zenon Network using the bridge and stake them on Zenon Network to earn rewards

✅ 120x multiplier

🔥 Up to 12x for staking the liquidity up to 12 months

💥 Up to 10x for hitting ETH liquidity thresholds (available only for Orbital Program — Community Edition)*

*Orbital Program — Open Edition will benefit from the #AlienRewards up to 120x multiplier but with different liquidity thresholds, join debates for the latest updates on this topic.

D. Collect daily rewards 🤑

Starting the next day, you can collect your dual-coin ZNN & QSR rewards from your Syrius wallet
Download Syrius desktop wallet :

6. The Referral Program

The Orbital Program empowers and incentivizes users to become active network participants, and its referral program complements and enhances it.

How does it work?

A 3% fee will be deducted when swapping ZNN -> wZNN

2% for the referral

1% for the buyer

In simpler terms, for everyone who participates using a unique referral link, 2% will be redirected to the referral link’s generator, and 1% will get back to the user if he unwraps (swaps wZNN to ZNN) to NoM.

7. QSR market

Long expected $QSR market is now a reality with the creation of the $wZNN <> $wQSR liquidity pool on Uniswap

✅ Verified wQSR Token Contract

✅ Verified Uniswap 🦄 Pool Contract

Get Quasar from @Uniswap now:

8. The DAO of DAOs

The DAO of DAOs is a concept of a cyber society with rules written in code that empowers individuals to contribute and share resources for the greater good.

The development of the Orbital Program was funded by Accelerator-Z, which is an on-chain fund available for every developer, innovator, and marketer that brings value to the ecosystem.

Every application is considered, voted, and evaluated by the network’s DAO.

The Orbital Program stands as one of many examples of best practices and ensures that Zenon Network’s legacy will reach global scale adoption.

The future is encrypted. Only you can decrypt it!

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