Ancient Rome’s Fashion Secrets

How Were Clothes Made In Ancient Rome?

Discover the Intricate Process of Ancient Roman Clothing Production

Shaguftah Jabeen
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Explore ancient Rome’s cloth mking process, from raw materials to finished garments, and uncover the social secrets hidden in their textiles. #AncientRome #Fashion #History

Clothed in History: Ancient Rome’s Textile Legacy

Image: AI

In the realm of ancient civilizations, Rome stands out for its grandeur, architecture, and cultural achievements. One often overlooked aspect of Roman life is their clothing, which played a significant role in defining social status, occupation, and even religion.

Let’s explore how cloth and clothing were made in ancient Rome.

Raw Materials and Production

Ancient Romans relied on natural fibers such as:

  • Wool (primary source)
  • Linen (from flax)
  • Hemp
  • Silk (imported from China)

These fibers were obtained through:

  • Sheep and goat farming
  • Flax cultivation
  • Hemp cultivation
  • Trade with other civilizations

Textile Production Process

The process involved:

  1. Shearing and sorting: Sheep were sheared, and their wool was sorted based on quality.
  2. Carding: Wool was carded to align fibers, removing impurities.
  3. Spinning: Carded wool was spun into yarn using spindles or wheels.
  4. Dyeing: Yarn was dyed using natural pigments like madder, weld, and indigo.
  5. Weaving: Yarn was woven into fabric using handlooms or upright looms.
  6. Finishing: Fabric was washed, dried, and treated with oils or waxes for softness and durability.

Clothing and Social Hierarchy

Clothing reflected social status, with:

  • Tunics: Worn by citizens, slaves, and soldiers
  • Togas: Exclusive to citizens, symbolizing dignity and honor
  • Stolas: Worn by women, indicating marital status and social standing


The art of cloth and clothing production in ancient Rome was a labor-intensive process that involved careful selection of raw materials, precise textile production, and attention to detail.

The resulting garments not only protected the body but also conveyed social status, occupation, and cultural identity. As we marvel at the grandeur of ancient Rome, we must also appreciate the intricate craftsmanship that went into creating their clothing.

The Complete Answer

Ancient Romans made clothing from natural fibers like wool, linen, and hemp, using a labor-intensive process of shearing, carding, spinning, dyeing, weaving, and finishing to create garments that reflected social hierarchy and cultural identity.



Shaguftah Jabeen

Meet Shuaguftah, the visionary behind "Run & Style." Her boutique offers premium running apparel, fusing fashion seamlessly with function.