Unfinished Ideas

Your creative thoughts hold great value.

Lorenzo Dickerson
2 min readMay 13, 2014

In business, we often pride ourselves on being thorough and working with follow-through and to completion. The common cliche phrase is “Get The Job Done”. But what about all those unfinished ideas? Those brilliant thoughts that may be nothing more than a twinkle in your mind’s eye, or a spark of creativity with nowhere to go? Or so we think.

There are 2 typical reasons that we often don’t pursue our creative minds. And they both are driven by fear.

  1. We are afraid that our ideas have nowhere to go. We will be laughed at, and no one will back us.
  2. We are afraid our ideas will be stolen from us.

Why you shouldn’t listen to yourself?

  1. Don’t be afraid. Yes, you may be laughed at. And it’s possible that no one will back you. But that’s ok. Use it as fuel to DO IT ANYWAY.
  2. Guess what? No one has the time to steal your idea. While you are hoarding your creative thoughts, they are busy executing theirs, and have no time to take anything away from you. In addition, the idea is yours. You’ve mulled it over in your head this long, and know it forwards and backwards. Therefore no one can plan it, design it, build it or execute it quite like you. You are the Expert.

One man’s trash can truly be another man’s treasure. You never know what type of change your ideas can make. Writing them down and sharing them can not only help you with your own objective thinking and creative process, but it may also connect you with someone that can help you actually build what’s in your brain. At the very least, you will receive some valuable feedback on how to improve upon your ideas. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts. There’s strength in numbers. Need some inspiration? Just take it from fellow Medium writer Mischa Nachtigal @mischa and his article “A List of Discarded Ideas”.

Be proud of your Unfinished Ideas.



Lorenzo Dickerson

Documentary Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Storyteller, Traveler, Husband, Dad.