Facebook “Likes” Are Soft

Lorenzo Dickerson
2 min readFeb 27, 2015

As Social Media Managers, we get caught up in counting the number of “Likes” our Facebook posts receive. But does that actually accomplish what we want it to? What should we be measuring?

I want to take this post to officially put the Facebook “Like” on PAUSE. For me, “Likes” aren’t good enough. LIKES ARE SOFT.

People “Like” all types of things on Facebook, and today they don’t even remember what try are. It’s so easy to click “Like” on a page created by your Distant Cousin for their Etsy shop. The only reason you Liked it is because you are related and felt obligated. You haven’t seen that cousin face-to-face in 5 years. And you don’t even have their phone number. They could have moved across the country years ago, and you wouldn’t even know it.

By the time you “Like” all your family and friend’s pages, the pages of all your favorite musicians, restaurants, clothing brands, movies, sports teams and celebrities, you now have 1000+ page likes, with an additional 20,000 post likes. Do you know how many times you “Like” a pic of your friends baby, or an article your brother or sister shared and tagged you in? The numbers are astronomical.

For right now, I want you to forget “Likes”. LIKES ARE SOFT. I want my content to touch your head and your heart. For you to both think about, and feel something that you didn’t before. Some may call this Sentiment. How do people feel about your company? What is their opinion about, and attitude toward your brand?

So from now on, don’t create content for the sake of gaining a post or page “Like”. Instead push the envelope and be more creative. Design imagery and formulate words that are thought-provoking and spark an emotion.

How do you want your brand to be remembered? Base your content on that. No that’s how you perform reputation management and change public perception.

Man-Up or Woman-Up your content creation efforts, and therefore your measurement of what real success in social media is. What is your End-Game? DON’T BE SOFT like the Facebook “Like”.

Originally published at lorenzodickerson.tumblr.com.



Lorenzo Dickerson

Documentary Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Storyteller, Traveler, Husband, Dad.