Essay Conclusion高分模板句 — EssayV

Zoe Roy
5 min readMar 21, 2022


各类论文的研究内容是各异的, 但是论文的结论部分通常都遵照固定的格式来写作, 格式通常为“总结上文-重申主题-研究建议”, 即“Summary the Findings — Restatement of Aims — Make Recommendations”. EssayV美国论文网就分块为大家介绍常用的高分句式.


Summary the Findings

这部分是将主体正文的主论点总结概括, 这里要分清主次, 与研究目标没有太大联系的次要内容不需要过多描述. 常用的高分模板句包括但不限于:

This may be considered a promising aspect of…

The findings of this research can be understood as…

The main research problems mentioned above are demonstrated as follows …

The research results show that we have come to the important conclusion that …

All in all, these research findings provide important confidence about …

More importantly, each main argument shows different aspects of the research objectives …


Restatement of Aims

我们在总结的基础上, 需要重述主题, 呼应开头的主题句. 这一部分, 侧重强调本次的研究目的. 常用的高分模板句包括但不限于:

The final result of this study points to …

According to the above research, we can find that …

At the end of the research, we come to the conclusion that …

The above results prove that our research assumptions are correct, namely …

We have successfully solved the above main problems and come to the conclusion that …

At present, we have successfully reached the conclusion that is consistent with the research hypothesis, which is …


Make Recommendations

这一部分主要是对目前还有待进一步研究的内容进行展望, 简要概括本次研究的不足之处或者受限的地方, 以此引出需要填补的研究空间, 也是为后来的研究者提供方向. 常用的高分模板句包括但不限于:

Future research on … might extend the explanations of …

In addition, … will become an important research direction in the future.

In all the original data, we will pay attention to the information on ….

Therefore, future research should be conducted in more realistic settings to …

In the future research, we will focus more on … and make efforts on ….

At present, the problem we encounter is …, in order to solve them, we will retrieve the literature about …


Essay Conclusion Writing Tips

结论部分也是需要根据写作要点来构建的, 一个完整的Conclusion一般有多重层次, 并且各有其侧重点.


你要为读者简要介绍正文的主论点与研究目标的联系, 包括是如何一步步论证出结论的, 但这一部分不要过于冗长, 尽量根据每个论点的关键词进行语言组织.


陈述你对研究问题的回答, 这次研究是否在理论方面或者实践方面提供了新的见解. 无论研究发现是否具有影响力, 最好都是围绕着你的研究目标来探讨的.


客观地看待本次研究, 是否因为方法论的选择或者时间地点的限制导致某一部分的研究并没有很透彻, 或者该研究领域还有哪些是值得进一步探究的, 将这些研究限制进行陈述.


对于该研究领域还有哪些空白是没有被填补的, 针对这些提出有实质性的建议, 这也能体现你对该研究领域的深入了解.


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