1 min readJan 25, 2016

Dear tide of surprising emotions ,

I just call to say I’m sorry!

I’m sorry for every time that I turned my back to you to avoid even to say hello!

I’m sorry for pretenting the most time that You didn’t make your presence felt ..

I’m sorry that I did my best to stay passive and act unwillingly and just accepted meeting your different faces without showing mine to you.

I’m sorry that I' ve been shocked and could not act as an appropriate enamoured.

I’m sorry for being so resistant to your erotic onrush.

As you see, the best kind of defense, is attack !

I hope to have another chance with you.. I’ve learnt my lesson!

Dear tide of surprising emotions , I’m sorry !


zoe.life.vie.vida.lever@gmail.com *Intellectual/literary/demonstrative/dancer/active/traveller/vital -> admirer