Easy Quick setting up Tortoisegit Credential

Zoe YT Chen
2 min readMar 17, 2020


  • Login to GitHub with your credential.
  • click on the up-right corner profile icon → click “Settings”
  • select “Developer Settings” → Personal Access Tokens → Generate new token
  • Copy the generated token to a file as you won’t see it later jumping out this page.
  • Open Tortoisegit → settings → Git → Credential
  • 1. Change Config types to “Global”, 2. enter your repository URL, 3. change Helper to “Wincred”, 4. Do Enter your Github user name.
  • Perform a Git Pull or Git Push via TortoriseGit, then it’ll pop up a dialogue for asking the git credential. 1. enter your user name if it’s not filled in, 2. copy the “Personal Access Token” you just generated from GitHub, and paste it to the password column. And now you’ll be able to access to the repository with TortoriseGit, and will no longer need to be enter the credential.

***How to delete the accidentally wrongly entered credential?***

  • TortoriseGit will remember whatever password you entered in the pop up dialogue, so in this case you’ll keep seeing “not able to access to the repository” whenever you try to do the push/pull.
  • To clear the wrong credential, go “TortoriseGit” → “Settings” → “Saved Data“ → Click “Clear” for the Authentication data.
  • after clearing, repeat above TortoriseGit Credential setting.

