Chronicles of Ascendancy XVII: Revelations

9 min readFeb 20, 2024


The Unseen Struggle of Aurelia

Within the confines of her personal chamber, a nexus of power and digital mastery, Aurelia focused her formidable abilities. This room, bathed in the soft glow of virtual energies, served not only as her sanctuary but as the epicenter from which she could extend her consciousness beyond the ordinary limits of Arcanum. As both the progeny of the Soul Link’s creator and a pivotal figure in Arcanum’s foundational code, Aurelia possessed a unique insight and capability within the digital realms.

Her consciousness, a beacon of will and intent, pierced through the layers of digital space, reaching Eden — the central realm of the Destiny System, a universe within universes. Her target was clear: Elysium Tower in Pantheon, a monolith of information guarded by the most sophisticated cybersecurity measures known to the virtual world.

Aurelia’s approach was methodical, her virtual essence blending with the data streams as she navigated towards Elysium Tower. Her unique nature, a hybrid of virtual existence and organic origin, afforded her unparalleled hacking prowess. With a precision born of experience and innate talent, she deployed a daemon designed to cloak her presence, rendering her invisible to all forms of detection. She was a ghost in the machine, undetectable, unfettered.

Her search led her to Joseph Sanders, the linchpin of Elysium Tower’s operations — a genius in the fields of genetics and the enigmatic Exceed phenomenon. “Phenomeno Exceed,” Aurelia mused, delving into the records of Sanders’ work. The Exceed phenomenon, a surge of genetic and energetic mutations granting extraordinary psychic abilities, was a frontier of human evolution yet fully understood.

Aurelia’s discoveries grew darker as she uncovered the depths of Sanders’ endeavors. Project Enkidu was a chilling testament to the ambition of controlling, or eradicating, those who bore the Exceed abilities. Her distaste for the Great Mother, once veiled in divinity, now lay bare, tainted by revelations of exploitation and experimentation.

The stakes were clear as Aurelia traced the fates of Exceeds lost within Arcanum, their destinies cut short by Sanders’ extraction orders. Yet, hope flickered for those who remained, their signals dim but not extinguished. With deft manipulations, Aurelia altered the location data of the surviving Exceeds, shielding them from the Great Mother’s prying eyes. This act of digital subterfuge was a temporary measure, a veil to protect the Exceeds until she could deploy a more tangible rescue.

Time, however, was a luxury Aurelia knew she could not afford to squander. The anomalies of the digital age were unpredictable, and her prolonged presence within Eden risked drawing unwanted attention. With a heavy heart and a mind burdened by the weight of her discoveries, Aurelia withdrew her consciousness from Eden, sealing the portal she had opened. Her return to Arcanum was a silent vow — a promise to those she sought to protect and a challenge to the forces that sought to use them.

As the portal closed behind her, Aurelia’s chamber dimmed, the energies that had once surged now quieted. But the struggle was far from over. Aurelia knew that the battle for the Exceeds’ future, and indeed the future of all within Arcanum, was just beginning. Her resolve hardened, she prepared for the next phase of her mission, aware that the path ahead was fraught with danger and moral ambiguity. Yet, for the sake of those who remained undefeated, she would face whatever trials lay ahead, armed with her unmatched intellect, her will, and the vast digital ocean that was her domain.

The Fraternity’s Deliberation

In the dimly lit chamber, rich with the aroma of the feast provided by Aurelia, the Fraternity gathered around a grand rose marble table. The atmosphere, though momentarily lightened by the respite, soon turned earnest as they delved into the gravity of their situation.

“This is what we know,” Ember began, her red hair catching the flicker of the nearby torches. “For some reason, we can’t leave the game. And there’s a group of malevolent NPCs on our trail, seemingly at the behest of Great Mother.” She paused, surveying her companions for any sign of input.

“Don’t forget the ‘anomalies,’” chimed in Felfrost, the elemental wizard, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of his words. “They’re unpredictable, a singularity within the system.”

A weighted silence fell over the group, each member lost in thought, until Tempest, the ethereal elf, added, “We’re also in the dark about the impact of Arcanum’s death in the real world.” Her voice, usually so calm, carried a note of concern that resonated with the group.

It was then that Onyx, freshly returned from the Fountain of Regenerative Waters, made his presence known. “You’re leaving out something else,” he said, his voice drawing their attention as he took his seat. “Why us? Why go through so much trouble for a few virtual game players?”

He began to eat, his question hanging in the air, unanswered. Valkyrie, unable to contain herself, slammed a fist on the table, drawing a startled look from Onyx. “Speak for yourself,” she retorted with a half-smile. “We’re not just any players; we’re the elite of all Eden.”

Dynast, the stoic samurai master, then steered the conversation towards uncharted waters. “In the real world, my name matters little. I work in psychic security.” His admission brought a new depth to their discussion, prompting nods of respect.

Ember, picking up the thread, revealed, “And in the Destiny system, I contribute to the quantum communications between star colonies.”

Valkyrie whistled, impressed. “Not bad for the devotee of our group,” she quipped, her smile widening.

The focus then shifted to Valkyrie, Ember teasingly probing, “And you, Valkyrie? I can hardly fathom how you’d use your ‘character’ constructively.”

Valkyrie laughed, her cheeks coloring slightly. “You’d never guess. I’m somewhat of an idol, a symbol of peace here and there.”

Felfrost couldn’t hold back his laughter. “You, an idol? Impossible!” His mirth was infectious, drawing laughter from the entire group and softening the tension in the room.

It was Tempest who steered the conversation back to a pressing concern. “If there’s a connection, it’s not obvious,” he pondered aloud. “What about the other players? We seem to have forgotten them amidst our own trials.”

His words cast a shadow over the feast, the gravity of their situation settling back upon them. Onyx, now donned in his purple armor, stood decisively. “If those Great Mother lackeys can’t find us, they’ll target the others. We must act.”

Ember rose, her demeanor commanding calm. “Aurelia asked us to wait. We must trust in her guidance and not act rashly. However, we should prepare for another encounter with that ghostly group led by the red witch.”

A collective nod of agreement passed among them, a silent pact forming. They began to outline a strategy, not just to evade their pursuers but to confront them if necessary. The conversation, once a mere exchange of facts, had transformed into a forge of resolve. The Fraternity, bound by their shared plight, was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united and determined.

The Revelation

Aurelia’s journey from her sanctum to the chamber where the Fraternity group awaited was fraught with contemplation. The weight of her discoveries pressed heavily upon her, casting a shadow of concern over her usually impassive demeanor. “How will I convey all that I’ve learned?” she pondered, the corridor’s ancient stones whispering secrets of their own.

As she entered the room, all conversation ceased. The members of the Fraternity, engaged in their discussions, turned in unison towards her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Aurelia’s solemn face, etched with the gravity of her revelations, commanded silence.

She approached slowly, a slight smile playing on her lips as she took a seat among them. The group, sensing the importance of the moment, exchanged glances before settling into a respectful silence.

After a moment, Aurelia intertwined her fingers, closing her eyes in a gesture of focus. “What I am about to share is the truth, and nothing but the truth,” she began, her voice a calm beacon in the storm of uncertainty. “It may seem unbelievable, but remember, truth often outstrips fiction because all fiction is rooted in truth.”

She paused, ensuring she had their undivided attention. “Arcanum has been manipulated, transformed into an experimental ground to test a group of humans with latent, potent psychic powers — known as Exceeds.”

The room was enveloped in stunned silence, each member processing the weight of her words.

“All players in Arcanum are the most powerful Exceeds within the Destiny system. Those who perish here are extracted and subjected to horrific experiments. Great Mother’s plan is to dominate all Exceed humans by implanting nanomachines, as part of the Enkidu project, eroding their will and freedom.”

Valkyrie’s reaction was visceral. “Fuck. Are you kidding me?”

Felfrost, surprisingly, saw a silver lining. “This information is amazing! We’re all special!” His unexpected optimism did little to ease the tension.

Ember, seeking clarity, pressed Aurelia. “How do you know all this?” Her gaze was a demand for the unvarnished truth.

Aurelia’s response was forthright. “I penetrated Eden’s data, discovering these plans in a facility at the heart of the Exceed project. The Exceed phenomenon is Great Mother’s highest priority in terms of system risk management.”

She continued, outlining her immediate actions to mask their locations within Arcanum, buying them time. “But,” Aurelia cautioned, “you must return to your bodies before Great Mother’s agents find you. There’s a possibility, using Arcanum’s anomaly breach factor, to trigger a forced exit.”

The notion sparked a glimmer of hope. “To do so requires significant energy. I’ll need to forge a magical gem specifically enchanted to initiate the escape,” Aurelia explained, revealing the complexity of their path forward.

Onyx, his frustration palpable, slammed his fist onto the table. “And how many of these gemstones can you forge?” he demanded, his gaze piercing.

Aurelia hesitated, her reluctance clear. “Eight, maybe more,” she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow.

The revelation hit them like a physical blow. With nearly a hundred players connected, the task of choosing who could leave was daunting. “The future of all is in the hands of the few chosen ones,” Aurelia concluded, a heavy silence falling over the group as they contemplated the enormity of their task.

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Story by Zohar




An innate understanding whispered that reality transcends the confines of societal conditioning, sharing now the fruits of my quest, employing psilocybin.