Practicing happiness to boost your success.

Zoha Zainab
2 min readJul 26, 2019

Happiness is not something ready made. it comes from your own actions! __DALAI LAMA

keep smiling, because life is beautiful!

Happiness is the best makeup that everyone can put on. We deserve to be happy, we deserve to live a life we are excited about. we don’t need too much people to be happy, just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.

Happiness is enjoying the little things in life.

According to me it is basically a choice, no one can force you to be happy and opposite to that.

It is the part of our routine, when we feel something turning according to us, we feel happy and this is the basic level of happiness.

The thing everyone should realize is that the key to happiness is being happy by yourself and for yourself. Don’t care about the world, people are jealous of your happiness

Mostly people think happiness is all about success. People think just attainment of wealth , position, and honor is success and the people having these things are happier in their lives. But they are ignoring the fact that,

“Money can’t Buy Happiness”

Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. there’s going to be stress in your life but it’s your choice whether you let it effect you or not.

I myself try to be happy in my daily routine. I remain positive because you can;t be happy with a negative mindset. If we’ll learn patience and start to ignore people and to start ignoring what they think about us__it would help us to gain internal peace.

My type of Internal peace is “ Family, Friends, A good laugh and A beautiful destination.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so do everything that makes you happy. Decide to look beyond the imperfections!!

