(06/24/22) -$52.81 — $TBLT

Zoie Yoder
2 min readJun 24, 2022


Moral of the Day: Stick to your patterns
Profit/Loss: -$52.81

Got a little trigger happy with it being “short squeeze Friday” and thought that $TBLT would just work for me no matter what. Need to work on being patient and waiting for my setup and my setup only to come along.


Play: Short Squeeze
Float: 1.01M
News: None
P/L: -$52.81


  • Low float
  • Crappy chart, so potentially a lot of short interest
  • Nice premarket action
  • Huge volume


  • Crappy chart
  • Big gap, may be to overextended
  • No news
  • Active S-3 with roughly $50m left (just looked that up right now. *Facepalm*)

I play breakouts. It’s what I do.

Drawing a line on the resistance level of $4 DOES NOT MAKE IT A BREAKOUT LEVEL.

It’s still a resistance level.

But since I was all “short squeeze Friday!” happy and with it being such a low float, I figured I could just hop myself into the stock when it pulled back off that fake breakout level of $4 and expected it to soar!


Serves me right.

A little frustrated at my lack of discipline, since I’ve been doing so good this entire week. Gave back $50 for no reason.

Moral of the Trade: Don’t expect low floats to squeeze just because they're low floats and it’s a Friday. Play your patterns only. It’s what you’re good at.



Zoie Yoder

Ello there! Just out here learning how to trade in the markets.