Breast Cancer Awareness Month & The Legendary Dragon!

2 min readOct 16, 2021

We have a few big announcements for you!

1. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have decided to hold a special event in an effort to raise awareness and raise funds for research. Alongside the regular 2 Medium Mines, we will have another 2 Mines open which will contain special “Event Tickets” inside. In addition to the regular NFT received from opening a Mining Ticket, you will also receive a Gemstone. These Gemstones have a TAV of 1 and can be upgraded to a larger Gemstone. You need 25 Gemstones to upgrade to a Mighty Gemstone. Mighty Gemstones has a TAV of 50!

50% of Ticket Sales from these 2 Mines will be donated to Breast Cancer Now, a breast cancer charity steered by world-class research and powered by life-changing care.
All mining tickets can be found at

2. To celebrate Zombiecoin making it to the final round of the Warsaken Ally Tournament, we are holding a voting raffle! We will collect the names of every user who voted for Zombiecoin and we’ll put the names into a raffle. The selected winner will receive 20 Mining Tickets, 10 Chopping Tickets and 5 Exploration Tickets!

Voting takes place in their Discord: in the rizland-region! To vote for Zombiecoin, hit the ‘R’ Reaction!

3. The buy 1, get 2 Mining & Exploration Tickets will be going live TODAY at 9 PM UTC! Once daily, you’ll be able to receive 2 Mining & Exploration Tickets for the price of 1 as long as you hold the required NFTs!

4. AND FINALLY, the Legendary Pet Contest is officially over and we have NINE winners who correctly guess who the Legendary Pet is. Those nine people correctly guess that the rarest and most powerful pet in Zombieland that can be hatched from the Egg Incubators is….A DRAGON!!! Stay tuned for our announcements regarding the release of the Eggs, and their functionality in the game.

