Learn PCB Software Diptrace

Zoobia Alam
2 min readApr 1, 2022



My just start project is to learn about PCB through Diptrace (PCB Software). A printed circuit board (PCB) is a thin board made from fiberglass or other laminated materials. PCB’s are found in various components such as laptops, electrical appliances, radio.

It has different types like single sided, double sided and multiple layer. Normally we use double sided PCB’s.

The PCB layout and design has a major impact on the way in which a circuit work, and therefore if the printed circuit board is designed in an effective way, then the circuit will perform more reliably and within its specification.


Diptrace is a PCB Designing Software in which we can design single sided and double sided PCBs both in DIP and SMD type components.

It has 4 main sub options:-

(1) Schematic Capture

(2) PCB Layout

(3) Component Editor

(4) Pattern Editor

Figure 1 (Diptrace Launcher)

It has built in Components schematics, patterns as well as 3D Models for many components. Also, we can make our own library of components, patterns and 3D Models according to our needs.

This is a 3D model of a circuit in Diptrace Software.
Figure 1 (3D Model of PCB)


First we make finalize a circuit that we want to convert into PCB, then we make a list of components being used. We make sure that all the components are available in Diptrace. If some are missing then we create pattern and schematic for each component and combine them, then save them in a separate library.

After that we make the circuit in Schematic Capture, after doing all the connections we convert the circuit into PCB Layout and do placing of components and start auto rooting. Auto-Routing is a process in which copper connections are made automatically on our desired side. To make circuit work smooth we do certain changes and then Gerber file of the PCB is exported and sent to PCB Manufacturing Company to print it.

I have this goal because I want to learn about PCB Designing and Manufacturing. I have downloaded and installed the software and my next step is to practice this software.

Feel Free to ask in case of queries regarding Diptrace?

