Why I’m running for president

5 min readNov 4, 2019

It’s true—dczook2020 is now a thing

I never thought I’d write these words, but as of today, November 3, I am running for the office of president of the United States. This is not something I came upon lightly, nor something I did due to boredom, spite, or an enchanted fit of megalomania. No, I decided to run for president because I am deeply worried about the misguided direction this country has taken and the bitter partisan rancor that has settled in since the 2016 elections. I find neither comfort nor inspiration in any of the current candidates on either side of the political aisle, and turning to the reliable adage that if you want something done right then you should do it yourself, I have decided to do exactly that.

This will be no ordinary campaign, and pretty much every part of my approach will be decidedly outside the orthodox political box. To explain what that means, here are a few HAQs (Hypothetically Asked Questions) to get things started. Soon, much more will follow.

Why are you running as an Independent?

Much of the political malaise that has suffused America politics leading into the elections of November 2016 and staying put ever since has been the party-first-country-second approach to politics that both parties have embraced. While the two-party system might have some…




Academic, film maker, and musician whose day job is teaching peace, politics, and human rights at the University of California, Berkeley.