Collective vs. individual purpose

Zooming Out
2 min readJun 23, 2023


When contemplating the purpose of our individual lives, the commonly held belief is that it lies in maximising pleasure, enjoyment, and happiness. However, this argument may not be entirely convincing when we consider the examples of individuals who willingly forgo immediate happiness and pleasure in order to achieve greater goals or aspirations. Think of dedicated artists who endure hardships in pursuit of their craft, or scientists who devote countless hours to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. These individuals prioritise their chosen pursuits over momentary pleasure, suggesting that there may be alternative purposes to life.

Another perspective suggests that our purpose is to seek a connection with the divine and revel in its glory. However, this argument fails to persuade because we ourselves are inherently constituted by whatever force governs the universe. In other words, we are made of the divine essence, and while it is important to recognise this fact, focusing solely on it seems somewhat futile.

A more compelling viewpoint proposes that our purpose lies in progress, creation, and invention. Engaging in acts of building and innovating aligns us with a sense of purpose and fulfilment. Yet, this prompts the question: What exactly should we be creating, and what are we striving to progress towards? The answer, it seems, is subjective and dependent on what we personally deem to be a worthwhile pursuit.

However, when we come to this realisation, we are drawn to a higher level of purpose — the collective. The various collectives in which we find ourselves as individuals play a significant role in determining our individual purposes. It becomes crucial to examine the underlying motivations and ideologies driving these collectives in order to understand the purpose they ascribe to the group, and consequently, to the individuals within them.

By zooming out to this level of thought, we gain a broader perspective on our individual purposes. We begin to see the intricate interplay between our personal aspirations and the larger collective movements. Some individuals may find fulfilment and align their purposes with the progression of the collective, while others may feel compelled to work against it, striving to bring about change or challenge prevailing ideologies.

In essence, this understanding presents a worthy life purpose — one that encompasses not only individual happiness, enjoyment, and the joy of divine existence, but also the pursuit of progress within the context of collective endeavours. By considering the multifaceted nature of our purposes, we are able to appreciate the complex tapestry that weaves together the individual and the collective, providing a more comprehensive view of our existence.



Zooming Out

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