Ancient advanced civilisations

Zooming Out
2 min readJun 11, 2023


Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson propose an alternative version of human history.

Hancock and Carlson argue that conventional historical accounts have failed to recognise cataclysmic events that profoundly shaped our planet and human civilisation. They contend that multiple comet impacts and geological upheavals occurred at the end of the last ice age, leading to widespread destruction and significant cultural transformations.

According to Hancock and Carlson, around 12,800 years ago, a comet impact triggered a global cataclysm known as the Younger Dryas event. They point to geological evidence such as impact craters, nano-diamonds, and a layer of soot found in ice cores and sedimentary deposits as proof of this catastrophic event. They argue that this event caused rapid climate change, massive floods, and the extinction of several animal species, including mammoths and other megafauna.

Furthermore, Hancock and Carlson propose that advanced civilisations existed during prehistoric times and were devastated by these cataclysms. They suggest that remnants of these lost civilisations can be found in ancient megalithic structures, such as Göbekli Tepe, Gunung Padang, Cholula, the ancient temples of Malta, the Bimini road, Serpent Mound, the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge and various other ancient sites around the world. These structures, they argue, display advanced astronomical knowledge and engineering techniques that challenge the conventional timeline of human development.

Hancock and Carlson also emphasise the importance of the precession of the equinoxes, a slow astronomical phenomenon resulting from the Earth’s wobble. They believe that ancient cultures possessed a deep understanding of precession and encoded this knowledge in their mythologies and architectural designs. They point to alignments between ancient monuments and significant celestial events as evidence of this sophisticated astronomical knowledge.



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