The distant hum

Zooming Out
2 min readJun 10, 2023


In the serenity of nature, one cannot help but notice the absence of the pervasive ringing, vibration, or supersonic tones that permeate our modern lives. There is a distinct tranquility in the air, a respite from the incessant hum of technology that surrounds us. It is a stark contrast, a reminder of the pervasive presence of our man-made creations in the civilised world.

As we immerse ourselves in the natural world, we begin to appreciate the subtle symphony of sounds that emerge: the rustling leaves, the gentle chirping of birds, the distant flow of a river. These harmonies, often overlooked amidst the clamour of human activity, are a refreshing reminder of the simplicity and beauty inherent in the natural environment.

However, upon returning to civilisation, something curious happens. We find ourselves instinctively drawn towards areas where radio frequency towers stand tall, emanating their constant transmissions. There is an inexplicable allure to the sound, as if it beckons us to approach, to immerse ourselves in its presence. With each passing year, it seems to grow in intensity, exerting a stronger influence on our consciousness.

This phenomenon raises profound questions about the impact of these waves on the human body. Could it be that we are unwittingly succumbing to a force that steadily builds upon us? Are we, like mice instinctively drawn to a glowing rod that ultimately cooks us? The comparison may seem alarming, yet it encourages us to contemplate the potential consequences of our growing dependence on technology.

While it is tempting to dismiss such concerns as unfounded or exaggerated, we must acknowledge the increasing body of scientific research pointing to the potential health effects of long-term exposure to radio frequency waves. Our bodies, intricately interconnected systems of cells and energy, may indeed be susceptible to the subtle influence of these waves. It is reasonable to wonder if, over time, the accumulated impact becomes too great for our bodies to handle.

This raises further questions about the nature of our relationship with technology and the encroachment of artificial frequencies upon our lives. As we gravitate towards the epicenters of sound and intensity, are we inadvertently subjecting ourselves to an escalating assault on our well-being? Should we not pause and consider the long-term implications of this growing attraction to the very source of our disquietude?



Zooming Out

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