Who am I to judge?

Zooming Out
2 min readFeb 21, 2024


TLDR — Judging is a symptom of our limited perspective. When we broaden our view to see all sides, recognizing our interconnectedness, the need for judgment dissolves, leading us towards a deeper understanding of oneness.

In the tapestry of life, our judgments often serve as knots, tightening around our understanding and limiting our view. The essence of judgment stems from a place of limited perception, a failure to embrace the full spectrum of existence. In recognizing this, we come closer to the wisdom shared by diverse philosophies and teachings, from the flowing adaptability of Daoism to the inclusive embrace of Rastafarianism, to the interconnectedness suggested in Andy Weir’s “The Egg,” and even the complex interweavings of Knot theory. Each, in its way, hints at a profound truth: when we see all sides, the need to judge dissolves into a broader understanding of oneness.

Consider the philosophy of Daoism, which teaches the value of seeing beyond dualities and embracing the whole. It mirrors the notion that judgment is merely a reflection of our limitations, not of the world’s inherent nature. Similarly, Rastafarianism, with its emphasis on unity and love, encourages us to see ourselves in others — thereby making judgment not just unnecessary but irrelevant. Andy Weir’s narrative in “The Egg” takes this a step further, suggesting that all of humanity is interconnected, thus to judge another is, in essence, to judge oneself.

Knot theory, though a branch of mathematics, offers a metaphorical lens to view this concept. Just as a knot may seem separate and distinct at one point, a broader perspective reveals it as part of a continuous loop. Our judgments, too, can be seen as knots of misunderstanding in the seamless fabric of existence. When we learn to see the interconnectedness of all things, we untie these knots, revealing a pattern of unity rather than separation.

This realization brings us to a state of oneness, a feeling often described by mystics and spiritual seekers. It’s a consciousness that transcends the superficial divisions among individuals, recognizing the inherent unity of all existence. In this state, the very notion of judgment becomes obsolete. Who are we to judge, when we are but threads in the same fabric, waves in the same ocean?



Zooming Out

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