“It does not make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.” Steve Jobs

Talha KHAN
2 min readApr 10, 2018


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“The greatest contribution of a leader is to make other leaders. Simon Sinek

Nobody can be a leader if they do not trust their employees.

No trust, no leadership — as simple as that.

I hired a young woman once. She was very bright and energetic, but she had no prior experience, just a university degree. Nobody else wanted to hire her. I even had to convince her to take an offer higher than what she requested — if I short-changed her, she would be too easy to hire away in a few months.

I decided to give her a chance.

She now heads up the whole product management function at my ex company anda major online publisher.

I have a simple formula of 5 Ts for her success:

Trust + Talent + Training + Tenacity + Thoughtfulness = Triumph

She had Talent, Tenacity, Thoughtfulness.

All I had to do was to do my part: Trust her and Train her.

“When we tell people what to do, we get workers. If we trust people do their jobs, we get leaders.” Simon Sinek

Leaders do not lead by authority.

They lead by trust, training and empowerment of others.

Do you agree ?



Talha KHAN

Love Traveling and history freak! Opinions are my Own!