Challenges That Zoptax is Tackling

Do you know that the present VoIP apps on the market such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Skype are heavily censored and regulatory authorities have started banning its use in some selected countries. One of the major reasons for outlawing the use of these VoIP apps in some jurisdictions is that users use the apps to spread fake news. For example, In India, a young lady committed suicide due to the forwarded message she got on her WhatsApp a few hours before she took her life. The Zoptax app will prevent such.

Zoptax Network
2 min readJun 3, 2019

Wondering how to make voice calls over the Internet without jeopardising your personal data and privacy? Then the Zoptax app has got your back. In fact, the Zoptax Coin was designed with you in mind. In this article, we will take a look at the concept which the Zoptax app introduces to the VoIP communication industry, as well as highlight the challenges that Zoptax is tackling. So, sit back and relax, while we will walk you through this all-important subject matter.

The VoIP technology is indeed lovely since calls and texts messages can be made over the Internet without paying so much compared to phone communication. But since the advent of bitcoin and the blockchain technology in 2009, the telecommunication industry has received a boost in terms of transparency and data security. Central authorities have no power to regulate or censor telecommunication made using the blockchain technology. It is on this note that the Zoptax app came into fruition.

Zoptax is a United States based company which uses the blockchain technology to provide its users with a completely secure and private VOIP calls experience via decentralized Network. You can use the Zoptax Coin to pay for your calls and text messages. Zoptax coin was released based on the SHA256 algorithm and will fully comply with the security features. Zoptax alpha app is available on the Google PlayStore. So, download and start making calls right away.

Pre-Sale is currently live, and you can get Zoptax coins with 20% bonus at $0.23 per coin.

Also, if you are passionate about making passive income, the Zoptax coin has got you covered. You can participate in the upcoming IEO scheduled for June 15th, 2019. According to the team behind Zoptax, the IEO is being organised so as to raise funds to further improve on their products and also give back to their users. As a holder of the Zoptax coin, you can make money even while asleep. You can get up to 10% bonus if you purchase the coin on Exmarkets. The starting price is $0.25. Except US investors, KYC is optional. US investors will be asked for KYC. Please make sure your country allow you to particiape is ICO/IEO. Wondering how to get started? Visit for more information.

