Censorship as a way of control

Zoriana Yuryshynets
2 min readJun 24, 2022


Censorship prevents us from fully understanding what is going on in the world and society, often resorting to falsifying facts. Censorship can give the impression that black is white (or vice versa). Censorship also prevents us from learning new perspectives, experiences, and thoughts.

Online censorship is defined as the suppression of content on the Internet, which can be undertaken by governments to restrict information and knowledge. Schools and workplaces may also block content on their networks to reduce distractions, while parents tend to limit what is accessible to protect children from unsuitable material.

Countries use Internet censorship to prevent the dissemination of certain information, and prevent their official version of the world from being challenged. It is a way to exert control over people and prevent rebellion within society. Web censorship by governments is also often motivated by moral or religious objections, as well as to prevent access to copyrighted material.

Censors use technical methods to deny Internet users access to a number of sites (e.g., foreign news sites), applications (such as Facebook and YouTube) and services (e.g., Google). In some cases, countries go to extremes and pass laws that make it harder to publish content online, and in even more extreme cases, deny citizens access to the Internet altogether.

This greatly complicates the situation for users, especially those who do their business online.

That’s why I invite you to check out the new social network web3 Solcial, it was created to protect users from harassment, control and censorship, providing:

— the ability to communicate with other users

— to have an account, blog or business without fear of being blocked

— freedom of speech and expression

— monetizing content without intermediaries.

It is a revolution in the world of social networking, its decentralized basis guarantees users the privacy and security of your data.

Solcial is a decentralized social network that offers users the power of the Web3, enabling people to interact with each other without fear of censorship and allowing content creators to be rewarded fairly at market value.

Remember, one person can’t change everything, but a community can! So be part of that community, be part of Solcial!

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