What is Zorpia, my points on Zorpia

zorpia personal review

10 min readJul 17, 2014

Zorpia Review

If you head online then it is likely that you will find all sorts of complaints about the social media network Zorpia. Some of these sites talk about how they are constantly inundated with spam from Zorpia, others talk a little bit about how they do not understand to use the site, and there are other people out there who complain just for the sake of complaining (that is the cool thing to do, right?). Well; I have put together this page to set the record straight. I want to talk to you about how there is nothing all that wrong with the site. In fact; it is a perfectly legitimate social media site much in the same vein as Facebook and Twitter. Let’s discuss Zorpia, shall we?

Understand Zorpia

In order to truly understand the quality of Zorpia it is probably worth going a little bit back to the roots of the company. Do you remember MySpace? I am sure you do. Plenty of people do. It was the ‘go to’ site for social media fanatics a few years back. As a result a plethora of different websites sprung up offering the same sort of service with the intention of riding on the back of the success of MySpace. Many of these are now defunct (much like the original version of MySpace). One site that rode out the social media collapse back then was Zorpia. The reason why Zorpia stood head and shoulders above the other sites was the fact that it really did not intend to be a MySpace clone. Those sites were not successful. Instead Zorpia attempted to do its own thing. Much in the same way as Facebook (which was nothing but a twinkle in the eyes of Mark Zuckerberg back then), Zorpia intended to be the ‘go to’ site for making connections with people….and it made them easy to make too. This is very much the same thing that it is attempting to accomplish today; albeit Zorpia has made a number of improvements since back then.

Part of the reason as to why Zorpia has become immensely successful despite all the competition out there is all down to its founder and current CEO; Jeffrey Ng. It is this guy who created the foundations of Zorpia and is still taking an active role in the development of the site today. Think of him as a guy whom truly understands what is required to be successful with a social media website. One of my favorite things about the Zorpia website is that Jeffrey Ng, despite the size of the site, and perhaps despite the amount of cash he is making from it, is always there to answer any of the concerns that his site users have. He is always listening to feedback and comments about the way in which the service is run. In fact; if you send in a support ticket to Zorpia then there is actually a good chance that it will be answered by none other than Jeffrey Ng. By all accounts even if he does not answer your ticket he is still listening to feedback made by the users of his website. In fact; you will most likely not be surprised to know that many of the features that have been added to Zorpia over the years are actually the result of suggestions made by the users that regularly message Jeffrey Ng. Now; you try and get in touch with the founders of many of the other top social media websites out there. I bet you will find it dreadfully hard, if not impossible. I always tend to stick with websites that prove that they truly care about their customers, and this ‘hands on approach’ is something which I really must applaud.


Now; Zorpia, in its strive for innovation, is constantly adding new features for their users to enjoy. This is one of the reasons as to why the site managed to beat MySpace all of those years ago and is still going strong despite the larger social media networks out there. It knows EXACTLY what must be done and everything on the site is unique, or it is until other people get their hands upon it at least. Obviously you have the main features that are present on just about every other social media network out there; messaging, connections, posting on other people’s profiles etc. but you also have a couple of extra features whilst not necessary are actually going to enhance the amount of ‘fun’ you have on the site (don’t worry, you are not going to get constantly spammed with FarmVille or Candy Crush requests when you use this site!). Obviously the features change on an almost continuous basis, but at the last ‘check’ these were the main ones:

False identity prevention systems: This will stop people logging into and using your account without your permission. This technology was actually developed expressly for the Zorpia website and you will not find technology the same anywhere else. Now; nobody has ever attempted to login to my account (I am far too boring) so I have no personal experience about how it works. By all accounts though; it is pretty good.

The ability to look at a profile and determine how compatible two people would be as friends or partners. Think of it as similar to a dating website; only you do not have the extortionate fees to pay.

My favorite feature of Zorpia is the ability to measure ‘user attractiveness’ automatically using the system. It takes a little look at your picture and will match you up to somebody who is a similar level of ‘sexiness’. Now; this is obviously not a feature that you will be using all of that often unless you are looking to score yourself a ‘date’ or something through the site; but it is something which I really do love and use on occasion, just for that little bit of a boost to my self-confidence.

Zorpia in China

One of the main selling points of Zorpia is the fact that it is one of only a few social media websites which is allowed to have a presence in China. Even large websites such as Twitter can’t be viewed there (although there are some inferior clones being launched!). This of course means that the vast majority of the user base is actually Chinese. This is probably not going to have much of an impact on many of you. However before I headed to China for a vacation a while back (I say a vacation, I actually stayed for 2 months) I did register on Zorpia and begin to make connections with many of the people on the site. You will actually be surprised at how friendly the user base on the site is. Many of them were able to assist me with learning the language and I even met a couple of friends whilst I stayed in the country. As I said; this is not something which is really going to impact the vast majority of you. However it is nice to know that the vast majority of the population on the site is actually nice. I mean; have you seen the amount of insults that get thrown about on Facebook and Twitter on occasion? It is appalling! Any of those insults are dealt with pretty swiftly when they are posted on Zorpia. The site actually takes a bit of responsibility for the postings on it and thus eliminates them pretty quickly as they do want to keep their status as a top social media networking site. There is absolutely no ‘sweeping under the carpet’ here like other sites which seem to hide behind the law when it comes to comments posted on their site cough Facebook.

One of the things that drove me to Zorpia (bar the fact that I was heading to China) was the fact that the site is easy to use. I will be the first to admit that a few months back I was hardly a pro at using a computer. I mean; I was good, but if I had an issue then I would be hopping off to Google to solve it through fear of causing severe damage. When I first started using Zorpia I was actually awe struck at just how simple and intuitive everything was to use. I don’t know if any of you have used Facebook, but some of the more complex functions (and they should not actually be that complex to do) are actually a little bit difficult to tackle. For example I bet very few of you will know how to create a Facebook page right off the top of your head, right? I certainly don’t. Absolutely everything that you could possibly want to do through Zorpia is remarkably intuitive. No matter what you are attempting to do you can accomplish it in no more than a couple of clicks. Sure; the site does update itself once in a while to stay fresh (i.e. the introduction of new features) however the thing in which I can heap a ton of praise on them is the fact that when they do update the site they do not do it in such a way that the layout is actually changed around. Everything remains in much the same place. This means that you can head away from the site from an extended period of time, return, and still feel confident that you can do everything that you done previously with ease.

Now; I must admit, Zorpia has had a few complaints in the past about the spam sent through the service. In fact; if you carry out a quick Google search then you will probably be greeted by a number of these complaints. I tend to ignore them. Why? Well; because there is spam in every social media service out there. If you login into Facebook then I am sure you will find all sorts of spam postings on your wall from time to time. In fact; I just signed into my account and in just a very quick scroll through the page I was greeted by no less than “like this page and watch this video” advertisements. The truth is; there is spam through every social media website out there. You can’t avoid it. Zorpia is a company which tends to bear the brunt of the complaints simply down to the fact that once one person complains the rest complain in droves. Zorpia has proven time and time again that the amount of people who receive spam through the service is actually FAR lower than with any other social media network out there. This is in part down to the fact that Zorpia has a company is placing a massive effort towards eliminating the amount of spam shared through their service. I have used Zorpia quite a bit over the years (in fact, it is open in one of my tabs right now!) and I can tell you right now that the spam sent through the service is at an all time low. I have not received a single piece of spam in a couple of weeks. This is absolutely amazing because as I said; other social media services out there are NOT making the same amount of effort to eradicate this spam. It makes them money, why would they want to eliminate it, right? This is another situation where Zorpia is well and truly showcasing its ‘customer-centric’ approach to running a website and this is something which I have absolutely no hesitation in heaping tons of praise upon.

To be honest; I did struggle to see a downside to Zorpia and I could not really focus upon anything. As I have mentioned previously; this is very much a well run site and things work as and when they should. I think the only real issue I have with Zorpia is the fact that it is not as big as I hope. I mean; sure, there are millions of people using the website on a daily basis. However many of my friends are currently focused on the inferior Facebook which can make it difficult for me to make connections. I have discovered a couple of friends through Zorpia though so it is not too much of an issue for me here. I have noticed that a couple of my friends have started to ‘see the light’ too (many of them have started to post on Facebook that they want to make connections, and trust me, when I see those posts I jump on it pretty quickly).

For those who enjoy internet marketing then you will actually be pleased to know that Zorpia as a whole is pretty easy to use for that purpose. Whilst spam on the site is not encouraged, and you are going to want to steer clear of doing anything that resembles spam for fear of losing your account (as I mentioned previously, the site is really starting to come down hard on spammers) it is actually easy to get hold of your target market and actually interact with them in a bid to make sales. The fact that the social media site is one of only a few allowed in China, of the big ones at least, makes it a little bit easier to target the Chinese market as you can be sure that if somebody is interested in your products then they can likely be found on this site. I won’t go into too much depth on the internet marketing aspect of this social media site. All you really need to know is that it is dreadfully easy to do.

Do I recommend Zorpia as a social media website ?

So; do I recommend Zorpia as a social media website! Of course I do; this site is without a doubt one of the best social media sites that I have ever had the pleasure of using. Sure; there are a couple of problems with it, namely the fact that there is very few people outside of China who are actually using the site right now (you can’t really blame them really, it is the only social media website which is currently allowed in China!) although hopefully this is going to change in the near future, and it really does seem as though change is afoot with Zorpia with the company beginning to place an even greater focus on drawing in new clients. I have even noticed some of my friends start to make connections with me through Zorpia without me prompting. This shows that the site is growing and for the better. If you want to check it out then you can sign up to Zorpia for free. You have absolutely nothing to lose by doing so, right?




Digital Content Coordinator,Social Media Marketing Blogger,Internet Marketing