Instagram is pushing Snapchat back on its heels with new features for its stories

Zowie Erickson
2 min readMay 21, 2018


Instagram has officially launched a feature that allows users to share another user’s post in their stories. I can only see this new feature being incredibly beneficial to businesses as it helps further spread any messages that they are trying to relay. For instance, if a business posts a photo involving something along the lines of raising awareness, and that photo is really captivating to you, you could instantly share that post through your Instagram stories, allowing your fellow followers to see the message as well.

However, this feature is not exactly the most groundbreaking feature to have been rolled out by Instagram due to the fact that this was already being done in a more archaic way. Before this feature became officially released, users would instead screenshot the post that they wanted to share and then post it on their stories, which, in the end, leads to the same result.

Nonetheless, this does not take away from the fact that Instagram is knocking on Snapchat’s door. Since most businesses have an Instagram presence over a Snapchat presence due to Snapchat being harder to follow when it comes to actual brands and corporations, Instagram is only increasing its value to businesses. Since Snapchat does not have the same appeal that Instagram does when it comes to businesses, it seems as though Instagram is able to do what Snapchat does but better, as it is facing a much more fruitful outcome than what is currently available for Snapchat when it comes to branding.



Zowie Erickson

Senior public relations student | University of Florida