Famous Short Stories About Travel that will Invoke the Wanderlust in You

Zoya Bint Abdullah
3 min readMay 19, 2022


Are you one of them who ended up picking a different career path instead of the one you have been dreaming for years’? Well, the good news is that you are not alone and it is not too late to embark on a life-altering journey. In this blog, we have attempted to list out famous short stories about travel from mythologies of various lands that will invoke the wanderlust in you.

3 Famous Short Stories about Travel

Travelling — as a lifestyle — goes against the grain of what a ‘normal life’ is considered. But, how many of you clamour for a normal life? If you gear up to follow the path, not only will your inner voice support your choice, but also plenty of other factors that will persuade you to ditch the daily grind. Without much ado let’s embark upon the journey to know famous stories that talk about the place’s greatness.

1. The Story of Romulus and Remus

As legend has it, the story of Romulus and Remus (twin brothers) talks about the origin of Rome, one of the world’s greatest empires in ancient time. Born in Alba Longa to Rhea Silvia and Mars (according to Virgil and other writers), the twin brothers were a threat to King Amulius who later ordered to abandon the kids on the banks of the River Tiber. Fortunate as they were, the brothers were saved by the Tiberius, the mythological father of the river, and later, a female wolf suckled them in a cave. Faustulus, a shepherd, was believed to have adopted them.

As the kids grew up, their inbuilt leadership skills and regal roots got them into arguments and fights with the supports of Amulius. Remus was captured and imprisoned in the place where he was born. Eventually, they got to know about their real identity and joined forces to restore the throne, ultimately killing Amulius. Upon returning to the Seven Hills, Romulus and Remus couldn’t decide about where to build the city. While Remus preferred Aventine Hill, Romulus wanted it to be on Palatine Hill. This gave birth to a new dispute where Remus was killed and Romulus founded the new city called Rome.

Today, Rome, located in the central region of the Italian peninsula, is a sprawling, cosmopolitan city with staggering 3,000 years of culture, art and architecture to brag about. Ancient ruins like the Colosseum and the Forum conjure the power of the former Roman Empire.

2. Gulliver’s Travels

The adventures (actually, misadventures) of Lemuel Gulliver is not a secret. For an adventure enthusiast, Gulliver’s Travels (also known as “Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver”) is a must-read book. Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon and then a Captain of several ships, embarked upon four different voyages, had to face-off storms, and then ultimately, stranded in absurd situations in foreign lands — either getting captivated by the tiniest people called Lilliputians or becoming friends with the Houyhnhnms, the talking horses.

Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubrib, Japan and Houyhnhnms comprise the foreign lands that Gulliver traversed across. Though these destinations are imaginary, Jonathan Swift had well-envisaged. He had inculcated sufficient ingredients to pique your interests for an adrenaline rush.

Read more at (http://blog.satatravels.com/short-stories-about-travel/)

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