Tic Tac Toe game by Flutter

Jacob su
2 min readJun 13, 2020


I just search the Tic Tac Toe game on the web, found a bunch of results, It seems not an original idea, but I already started, I decided to finish it anyway. Next time I would publish serial things.

When it comes to declarative programming, It seems a trending in this time. It starts from the font-end, React.js, Vue.js, then to other popular imperative UI programming platforms. This article would prove both of those popular UI frameworks were similar inherent. by master one framework, the seem concepts could transport to the others, those can be proved by using React.js, Vue.js, SwiftUI, and Flutter to develop the same Tic Tac Toe game.

Here is the source code of the Flutter version:

I consider the Flutter was the competitor with the SwiftUI, both of them were attractive, it seems Flutter has a longer history with an ambition to union all platform, but SwiftUI was already being the default option in XCode.

It’s the moment to fully embrace both of them, and enter the era of declarative UI programming.

