Official Celebration / Telematic Concert / Augmented Reality

DAY 04 // 23–10–17

Visit of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park

Official representatives from Zurich and Hong Kong visited the Science Park together.

Official Celebration

Afterwards the festival’s official celebration took place at the Festival Hub at Times Square. Swiss Singer Brandy Butler performed a song which was livestreamed on Facebook.

Telematic Concert Zurich — Hongkong

The concert event is a live network performance via internet played simultaneously by musicians in Zurich and Hong Kong. The concert can be attended in person at any of the two locations. Due to different time zones (6 hrs time difference) the concert will be held in Hong Kong in the evening and in Zurich in early afternoon. The high-definition audio and video network technology provides a collocated venue for synchronous performance. (

Augmented Reality, Creativity and the Arts

At the Hong Kong Baptist University two experts discussed how art and technology influence each other. They showed how especially augmented reality can inspire creativity.

Whats up, Böögg?

And of course there was also a video with the highlights of the day.

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>> Next post: Day 5 / 24–10–17 Ocean Park / Healthy Aging / Official Celebration / Connecting Spaces



Zurich meets Hong Kong on Social Media

11 students of Cast / Audiovisual Media (ZHdK) reported about Zürich meets Hong Kong — A Festival Of Two Cities on social media. Here is what they did.