News from the Böögg / Unmanned Aviation / Gala Dinner / Healthy Aging

DAY 06 // 25–10–17

News from the Böögg

Since participation in the competition was very hesitant, the students developed the idea of using a photo frame effect to extend the possibilities of participation. You could not only make a selfie with the Böögg at the festival venues, but also in the Facebook app with a photo effect.

And of course there was the daily “WhatsUp” with the Böögg.

The Future of Unmanned Aviation

Drones bring new possibilities but also dangers. Experts from Hong Kong and Zurich discussed the forthcoming developments at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The students announced the event with beautiful drone footage of both cities.

Gala Dinner

The highest representatives of the two cities, Carrie Lam, Corine Mauch and Carmen Walker Späh, and their staff met for a joint gala dinner. The students gathered photographic impressions of the event, which began with a piano recital by Urs Bachmann.

Music Week

In the Music Zone Brandy Butler & the Brokenhearted from Zurich met Chochukmo and Shotgun Politics from Hong Kong. The students reported about the concert on Instagram.

Healthy Aging

The students had announced the Healthy Aging event with a video of a street survey. About the event itself they reported on Twitter.

<< Previous post: Day 5 / 24–10–17 Ocean Park / Healthy Aging / Official Celebration / Connecting Spaces

>> Next post: Day 7 / 26–10–17 Brandy Butler & the Brokenhearted meets ChoChuKmo and Shotgun Politics / Who is the Böögg?



Zurich meets Hong Kong on Social Media

11 students of Cast / Audiovisual Media (ZHdK) reported about Zürich meets Hong Kong — A Festival Of Two Cities on social media. Here is what they did.