Meet Robert Anton Wilson

Paul Godmore
7 min readJan 25, 2023


quantum psychology


1. Robert Anton Wilson (born Robert Edward Wilson; January 18, 1932 — January 11, 2007) was an American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, futurist, and self-described agnostic mystic.

2. Wilson was born in Brooklyn, New York, and educated at the Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn.

3. After graduating from Brooklyn College in 1951, he joined the U.S. Army, where he served as a clerk before being discharged in 1953.

4. After returning to civilian life, he moved to California, where he worked in a number of jobs, including as a copywriter for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.

5. In the late 1950s, Wilson became involved in the counterculture, joining Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters and becoming a part of the psychedelic drug scene in San Francisco.

6. In the early 1960s, he published his first novel, The Universe Next Door, which explored the power of psychedelic drugs to shape perception and reality.

7. Wilson’s later works, such as the Cosmic Trigger trilogy and the series of Illuminatus! novels, explored themes of conspiracy theory, alternative history, and the occult.

8. He was also a prolific writer of non-fiction, including books on a wide range of topics, from chaos theory and quantum mechanics to the psychology of belief systems.

9. He also wrote extensively on various forms of spirituality, and was an advocate of libertarianism and the free-market economy.

10. Wilson died of natural causes in 2007, at the age of 74.


Major Works:

1. Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977): This book is the first volume in a three-part autobiographical series of Robert Anton Wilson’s spiritual and psychedelic exploration of reality. It chronicles his search for the secret of the Illuminati, a secret society which is believed to have existed since the 18th century.

2. Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975): This trilogy of novels was written in collaboration with Robert Shea. It is a science fiction-influenced story about the search for the secret of the Illuminati, as well as a satire of conspiracy theories and the counterculture of the 1960s.

3. The Schrödinger’s Cat Trilogy (1982): This trilogy of books follows a quantum physicist as he attempts to understand the implications of quantum mechanics. It is considered one of Wilson’s most ambitious works.

4. Prometheus Rising (1983): This book explores the idea of human potential and how to unlock it, and is often seen as a handbook for achieving a higher level of consciousness.

5. The New Inquisition (1986): This book is a collection of essays which explore topics such as the struggle between science and religion, the power of belief, and the role of the media in shaping popular opinion.



1. Reality is subjective and constructed

2. The universe is driven by chaos and synchronicity

3. All knowledge is provisional and incomplete

4. Seek to understand and appreciate the universe without claiming absolute truths

5. The individual is responsible for creating their own meaning

6. Humanity’s highest aim should be to cultivate creative consciousness

7. Critical thinking is essential for understanding the world

8. Recognize the potential for transformation and the unity of all things

9. The only true freedom lies in the exploration of one’s own mind

10. There is no single correct way to interpret or approach reality



1. “Reality is what you can get away with.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger (1977)

2. “The first thing you learn in life is you’re a fool. The last thing you learn in life is you’re the same fool.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Everything Is Under Control (1998)

3. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Quantum Psychology (1990)

4. “Belief is the death of intelligence.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger (1977)

5. “The universe is an intelligence test.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Ishtar Rising (1975)

6. “Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Reality Is What You Can Get Away With (1982)

7. “If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechanics.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Quantum Psychology (1990)

8. “The only way to change the world is to laugh at it.” — Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers (1980)

9. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Quantum Psychology (1990)

10. “The purpose of life is to become more and more what we already are.” — Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger (1977)



1. “I think Robert Anton Wilson is one of the wisest, most interesting and most entertaining writers alive today.” — Alan Moore

2. “Robert Anton Wilson is one of the most original thinkers of the twentieth century.” — Douglas Rushkoff

3. “Robert Anton Wilson is one of the most important and influential thinkers of our time.” — Ken Wilber

4. “Robert Anton Wilson is a genius, an original thinker, and an inspiration to many.” — Neil Gaiman

5. “Robert Anton Wilson is a modern-day philosopher, who tackles the big questions with intelligence, humor, and a unique perspective.” — Tom Robbins

6. “Robert Anton Wilson has a brilliant mind and a unique way of looking at the world.” — Terence McKenna

7. “Robert Anton Wilson is a brilliant thinker who has an amazing ability to explore the boundaries of thought.” — Timothy Leary

8. “Robert Anton Wilson is a master of creating thought-provoking ideas and stories.” — David Lynch


Why You Should Care:

1. Wilson is a renowned and influential figure in the modern counterculture, having written many books on topics such as mysticism, conspiracy theories, and psychedelic drugs.

2. His works tackle a wide range of topics, from the occult to quantum physics to the nature of reality.

3. He is an advocate of free thought and personal exploration, and his works often challenge popular beliefs and cultural norms.

4. His works explore the relationship between religion, science, and philosophy, and his ideas have been influential in the development of modern spiritual movements.

5. He is an advocate of libertarianism, and his works often challenge traditional forms of government and political systems.

6. He is an advocate of open-mindedness, and he encourages people to question conventions and to think for themselves.

7. He was an advocate of the use of psychedelics as a means to explore consciousness and reality.

8. He was a major figure in the development of chaos magick, a form of magick that emphasizes the importance of free will, creativity, and personal exploration.

9. His works often incorporate elements of humor and satire, providing an entertaining and thought-provoking way to explore complex topics.

10. His works offer a unique blend of science, spirituality, philosophy, and humor, making them both stimulating and enjoyable.


Explore Further:

1. Timothy Leary — Similar to Wilson in that he was a proponent of individualism and the exploration of consciousness, Leary was a psychologist and philosopher who wrote extensively on the power of psychedelics and the exploration of the human mind. Different from Wilson in that Leary was more focused on the power of psychedelics, while Wilson focused more on the exploration of consciousness as a whole.

2. Aldous Huxley — Similar to Wilson in that Huxley was a proponent of individualism and the exploration of consciousness. Different from Wilson in that Huxley was much more focused on the power of psychedelics and the exploration of the human mind, while Wilson was more focused on the exploration of consciousness as a whole.

3. Terence McKenna — Similar to Wilson in that he was an advocate for the exploration of consciousness and the power of psychedelics. Different from Wilson in that McKenna was more focused on the power of psychedelics and the exploration of the human mind, while Wilson was more focused on the exploration of consciousness as a whole.

4. Alan Watts — Similar to Wilson in that he was an advocate of individualism and the exploration of consciousness. Different from Wilson in that Watts was more focused on the power of Eastern philosophy and the exploration of the human mind, while Wilson was more focused on the exploration of consciousness as a whole.


Final Thoughts:

Robert Anton Wilson was an avid believer in the use of technology to enhance the human experience. He believed that technology provides a platform for creativity and discovery, and he would likely have been supportive of someone using artificial intelligence to write an article about him. He may have even seen it as a way to explore the boundaries of human thought and creativity. Ultimately, he likely would have been open to the idea and interested in the results.

cosmic trigger of the illuminati



Paul Godmore

"Paul's an intrepid explorer, a wanderer of the night, a rebel and a dreamer. He pushes boundaries and embraces the unknown with a fearless heart." -C. Bukowski