How to import amiibo key files

2 min readJun 24, 2020


Since version 1.1.3, amiibo key files are no longer be included in AmiiBot for legal reasons. If you want to duplicate amiibo, you need to import amiibo key files by yourself. Otherwise, you will receive this error during the duplication.

This article is an instruction about how to import key files into AmiiBot. Neither this article, AmiiBot software, nor the developer will provide the key files.

Since version 1.1.5, you can directly import key files in the share menu.

Example : Import key file within Google Drive

Save key files in Files app

If you know how to save file into Files app, you can skip this section.

Example: download key files on safari
In Files app

Import key files

Open the AmiiBot app, go to settings tab, you will see a section called Keys. Go to the locked key and tap Import from Files button, AmiiBot will pop a file picker window. Tap the corresponding key file, and the key file will be imported into AmiiBot. Do the same for the unfixed key.

Usually, your key file names will be ‘locked-secret.bin’ and ‘unfixed-info.bin .’ They correspond to the locked key and the unfixed key, respectively.

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*do not ask me about the key files, find them online by yourself

