5 min readMar 8, 2022


Just thinking about the typically gray and wet autumn weather makes you fall into a little hole? This can be easily avoided with colorful, autumnal balcony flowers! Because even in September and October, lots of beautiful autumn flowers are still blooming and bring a good mood to the balcony and terrace. Online plant nursery in Karachi

Eight autumn flowers for the balcony and terrace

Which plants are also suitable for autumn? Even if it seems to you that the flowering season is slowly coming to an end: In fact, there is a long list of admirable autumn plants — also for tubs and balcony boxes. We introduce you to some of our favorites. By the way, you can find tips on how to plant your balcony box correctly here.


Chrysanthemums bloom in many different colors — from August to November. They are particularly suitable for a covered balcony: because the chrysanthemum likes it bright, but cannot handle the continuous autumn rain well. It is well protected under the canopy — preferably on the wall of the house to avoid excessive wind. Nevertheless, you should make sure when planting that excess water can drain off easily. Shards of pottery that keep the drainage holes free can help. In addition, we advise you to mix the potting soil with sand before planting. This makes the soil even more permeable. When watering, make sure to keep the soil moist but not too wet. You can find out more about chrysanthemums and how to care for them in our plant profile:

Autumn Aster

The aster is also known under the name “star flower”. The reason for this is the shape of the flowers, which are reminiscent of stars in the distance. They shine in white, purple, red or yellow tones from late summer to November. When buying, you should definitely pay attention to the growth height: some asters can quickly reach a meter high and are therefore unsuitable for the balcony box. That means, in particular, stay away from smooth-leaf and rough-leaf asters! Pillow asters, for example, remain smaller with a growth height of about 15 to 50 centimeters. Choose a sunny spot for your autumn visit and provide the asters with liquid fertilizer about every two to three weeks, which you mix with the irrigation water. If you discover faded flowers, you should remove them immediately — this way new flowers can grow back and you can enjoy the autumn flowers for a long time. The autumn aster can even accompany you through the winter. Because it is hardy and copes well with frosty temperatures. However, it no longer blooms after November.


Tall sedums catch the eye with their pretty, pink, umbel-like flowers! Another distinctive feature is the soft, fleshy leaves. They can store water and make the sedum a drought artist compared to other perennials. A spot in full sun can therefore not harm the sedum — on the contrary: it feels really comfortable there. But even in autumn, when the sun doesn’t appear that often, the sedum grows very well and flowers from July to October. When potting, you should — as is so often the case — pay particular attention to the drainage. Unfortunately, if the water cannot drain away unhindered, your sedum may rot. Here too, in addition to the drainage hole, shards of clay on the bottom of the bucket or sand mixed into the potting soil will help. You should adapt your watering behavior to the weather: If it is very dry, you water more frequently. If it’s very humid, you usually don’t have to water much. You should be relatively economical with the fertilizer, otherwise your roommate will quickly shoot up or develop too many leaves instead of putting the energy into the flower. Normally, however, the growth height is about 30 to 70 centimeters. By the way, you can combine sedum very well with asters.

ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage is related to cabbage vegetables, but we advise against eating it because of its bitter taste. Nevertheless, it is worth growing ornamental cabbage, because the rosettes, mostly in intense violet, pink, pink, red or yellow tones, are a great, eye-catching change from other balcony plants. Especially in autumn, the ornamental cabbage blooms in all its glory. However, the cultivation must be started in May to July, since the optimal germination temperature of the ornamental cabbage is 15 to 20 degrees. It does best in a sunny location with nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. If you plant the ornamental cabbage in a container, you should fertilize it every two to four weeks. Towards autumn, the target cabbage then needs fewer nutrients and watering can also be significantly reduced. However, the soil should not dry out completely, even in autumn. Ornamental cabbage is hardy, but if the temperature drops sharply, you should protect it with a cover. If your ornamental cabbage makes it through the winter, you can admire its yellow flowers in spring and even win seeds for the next season.

Autumn Anemone

Anemones are not only easy to care for, but also have charming, delicate flowers. Depending on the variety, these form from July to October and shine in white, pink or in strong pink and red tones. Autumn anemones appreciate sunbathing — preferably from several sides, otherwise the plant will only grow in one direction. But the autumn flowers also grow well in semi-shade. Since the stems of the autumn anemone can be quite long at 60 to 140 centimetres, you should pay attention to the growth height when buying and choose a smaller variety. On the other hand, a location that is as sheltered as possible from the wind is best so that the stems do not buckle in the wind. You should also use the deepest possible flower pot when planting — ideally in spring. Because the roots are very long and offer the autumn plant more support. Keep the soil evenly moist and avoid waterlogging. The flowers can unfold particularly beautifully if you also provide your autumn anemone with fertilizer. This is particularly easy with a long-term fertilizer that delivers important nutrients to the flower over several months.

