Box & Error Handling In Rust

Zackary Troop
2 min readJan 8, 2024


In Rust, Box is a smart pointer that allocates memory on the heap. Unlike variables that are stored on the stack (which have a fixed size known at compile time), Box allows you to store data of a dynamic size or with a size that might change at runtime.

Let’s take a step back though! What that heck is a smart pointer? It’s a data structure that not only acts as a pointer but also has some perks. It owns the object it points to and automatically handles the cleanup of the resource when it’s no longer needed. Box isn’t the only example of this. Rc and Arc also do this. This is implemented using Rust’s traits, like Deref and Drop.

Diagram demonstrating Box usage, by Zackary Troop

Why use Box? In Rust, types must have a known fixed size at compile time. However, recursive types (like nodes in a linked list or a tree structure) inherently don’t have a fixed size, as they contain themselves. There is also types in Rust that don’t implement the Copy trait and can’t be simply copied (like large structs or those with complex life-cycles). Box can be used to manage and transfer ownership across different parts of a program without triggering expensive deep copies.

There is also the benefit of dynamic polymorphism. We can use trait objects, like Box<dyn Error>. This allows for storing and using different types that implement a common trait in a uniform way. The Box here provides a single, consistent type that the compiler can work with, while still allowing different implementations of the trait to be used at runtime.

The dyn keyword in Rust is used to indicate dynamic dispatch. At runtime, Rust will determine the correct method to call based on the actual type of the object, allowing for more flexible and dynamic behavior. This contrasts with static dispatch, where the method to call is determined at compile time.

This is particularly useful for error handling. Let’s say you have a function that performs multiple operations, each of which can fail with a different error type:

use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn perform_operations() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Example of a file operation that might fail
let _content = fs::read_to_string("test.txt")?;
let data = "42";

// Example of a parsing operation that might fail
let _number: i32 = data.parse::<i32>()?;

// Simple check that might fail
if data.len() > 10 {
return Err("Data is too long".into());


The code returns Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>, allowing it to return different error types uniformly. In conclusion it demonstrates how Box can be used for flexible and consistent error handling in Rust, capable of handling various error types in a single function.

