Story of Art Gallery:

3 min readJul 30, 2024


Once upon a time, a very large art gallery declared a contest Quickly, he announced that whoever would create the world’s best painting of the Dipping Piece would receive 10 million. In order to participate in this, among the thousands of paintings that were the judges of this country, shortlisted the final sentence and put up an exhibition of these works.

In this exhibition, all these painters were invited as well as media people sitting Because the prize amount was so big, everyone was interested in knowing who would win that painting and who would be the painter who would get such a big prize. There was more than one pan of it Some of the paintings were the most crowded While some of the paintings were referred to above, there were many more beautiful paintings and each painting was a masterpiece in itself.

If I refer to a painting, there was a lake of water with trees around it and that water was so transparent. All the beauty around the lake was visible in it.

Next to it was another painting, the description of which was similar to that of a lake with only a bridge built over it and the water all frozen. And next to him was a painting that had water in front of it, the lake was very lovely, and there were mountains around it, and a little behind it were snow-capped mountains, and the sunrise was coming from behind, so that painting was his own.

All of these paintings were very sweet, people used their skills very well and many people were there in this gallery because the price they won from there was huge. He was also praying and trying to make his painting liked by all. Everyone sat in their seats and now started waiting to see which painting will win the prize.

The owner of the art gallery selected a painting and put it on the wall and spread the cloth over it. Now everyone was waiting to find out which painting won such a big prize. After a while, when the cloth painting Removed from the top was a painting with a blind and rushed.

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The paintings that people had chosen were very cute and they thought that this painting might have been put there by mistake. Because the pictures in the gallery outside are very cute, so he said what is the problem with this painting, people said that it is completely desolate, there is nothing beautiful in it, because of this it is selected, then he says that you are the appearance of the painting.

After looking at the appearance of the painting in the gallery, you chose that it is cute, but you guys chose the painting that I chose. You do not know the depth and beauty of what I have chosen for myself.

Then the owner said, look carefully at this pendency, there is a blinding storm going on inside it and a small house is built next to it. If we talk about the depth, then it is such that no matter how many difficulties there are around a person, no matter how much noise there is, he should keep his inner self satisfied.

