Glitchy photos

3 min readMar 20, 2020


I find hacked photos very interesting to look at because it takes what your base idea of a photo may be and flips it by changing the subject matter while still keeping the photo subject the same.Before doing this material inquiry in my teaching class I was only slightly familiar with hacked photos but I did not know they had a specific name and how to create them. I also had thought that you created these types of photos in Photoshop. Not that you played around with and removed code from the digital image that you are using to create your hacked photo with.

I started out with an image of myself with my dog to hack. The original photo is below.

I used a png. version of this photo to start with. This lead to me having some difficulties. I used notepad++ to edit my photos. When I first started to remove code from the image I was removing to much leading me to have only a black screen. Once I realized my mistake I began to remove less code. I was also doing this on a pc which led to some glitches as well. Once I began to get the hang of it I would only have images of part of the photo with the rest just being shown as black. I did find success eventually though with this is image.

Since I was using a png the photo only had the rainbow lines. This was my first successful photo that I hacked in class. I also decided to try hacking a different photo but using a jpg instead of a png. I find hacked photos very interesting to look at because it takes what your base idea of a photo may be and flips it by changing the subject matter while still keeping the photo subject the same. When trying to create a new hacked photo I used this picture of myself.

The hacked version of the jpg turned out much more intact then the png version. The way the hacking of the photo moved how my face was something I had wanted when I initially started this project in class.

Though both versions are interesting and lead to different types of art. I plan on continuing to experiment with hacked photos in my art practice. They lead to interesting thoughts for me on the way I view myself and the world around me.

