Zubia Asghar
3 min readSep 7, 2017


“What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful.” ~Dalai Lama

Success is something most of us want. But we want happiness, too.

I think we go about these two important things the wrong way. With some simple changes, I believe anyone can become both happy and successful.

How many times have you said to yourself?

  • “If I just had more money, I’d be happy.”
  • “If I just had a bigger TV/car/house, I’d be happy.”
  • “If I just looked more like that guy/girl, I’d be happy.”
  • “If I just got that promotion, I’d be happy.”

The Conventional Success Story

Negative thoughts and emotions are something which nobody can ignore, every person to face this problem in his/her life. So same applied to me as well. It was really difficult to come out from that situation when I didn’t get admission in UET,I would like to share my experience. Whenever you are in any problem or in any negative thought Gratitude is the major factor which counts it will give you courage and confidence to face the problem. In the beginning I wasn’t happy but when I listed the things with which I am being blessed then I felt the pressure is reduced and I wasn’t that disappointed and them to completely come up from that disaster I prefer to do good deeds it will give you happiness as well as release the pressure you are facing.

Peaceful Efficiency

I started learning and applying smart habits. I started waking up early and letting go of expectations and goals (instead, doing what excites me). I started reading for fun again (not just out of textbooks), strengthened my body, started running, began to eat natural (instead of out of vending machines), and focused on my loved ones.I became happy and peaceful. Instead of dreading the day, I woke up excited to start.And a strange thing happened:

My happiness led to improved efficiency. I was working less, having more fun, and getting more done.

I am at peace, yet I am getting more accomplished than ever. I work less, and accomplish more. My mind is clear and I am full of energy. My work is now full of passion. I don’t work to become successful; I do it because I love the work. In a short period of passionate work, I accomplish more than I used to in hours.And if I have the opportunity to do something fun, I do it. My life is happier, and I can go back to my dreams fresher than ever.

My grades have improved too. Now I relax and attempt to enjoy the class. I learn not because of the grades, but to learn, and this has improved my grades. I let go of trying to become successful in University, and that has lead to a better chance at success.

Stress is no longer a major part of my life. Problems that once seemed huge and insurmountable are now much easier. Changing from a person worried about success and who tries too hard has made all the difference. Now I just flow, and anything seems possible.

