How to bulk delete Twitter likes? In just 2 steps!

Zülküf İbrahim Erkol
3 min readJun 6, 2022


Liked too many tweets that you can’t get rid of now? Want to bulk delete Twitter likes? At times, you would want to delete old likes because you do not want any association with that account/topic/person/idea. At such times, using a tool that can quickly delete Twitter likes for you can be most beneficial.

You can also unlike likes from Twitter itself but that would require you to delete each tweet individually. If you wish to just delete recent Twitter likes, you can unlike from the Twitter platform. But, if you want to unlike multiple Twitter posts, a third-party app can save time and effort.

Circleboom is a Twitter app that helps you in quickly removing all old likes from your Twitter account. You can delete all Twitter likes or specific likes using the app.

Bulk Delete Twitter Likes with Circleboom

Login to the Circleboom app and authenticate your Twitter account to use any feature. Once logged in, you can manage your Twitter unfollowers, schedule your tweets, manage old likes, and get your Twitter analytics.

To delete likes, here’s the 2-step process:

Step 1: Go to the Circleboom menu on the left, and select “My Tweets” -> “Unlike”. Your most recent tweets will be listed by Circleboom. To delete all Twitter likes, you can click on “Unlike All” to unlike all tweets.

Step 2: To delete selected Twitter likes, select the tweets you want to erase likes of and click on “Delete selected.” You can also search for specific tweets by using the grid power search. You can search for tweets by keywords/hashtags/location/date to find the tweet you wish to unlike.

To view any tweet like before removing it, you can view the tweet using the blue eye icon. The biggest benefit of using Circleboom is that you can quickly search for any tweet that you have liked with the power search. Finding the same tweet on Twitter might take you days or months. Even the, unlike all button, is a unique feature that you would not find in many tools and makes Circleboom a true time-saver Twitter app.

Are the deleted likes recoverable?

Once you delete your old Twitter likes, remember that it’s not recoverable. Deleted likes cannot be recovered using the Twitter app or Circleboom app. So, if you are not sure of losing all likes, you might want to re-consider before bulk deleting Twitter likes.

How to use Circleboom’s Unlike Feature?

Circleboom’s unlike feature is available to all Circleboom users. The free plan users can unlike up to 20 tweets. The paid plan features can unlike as many tweets they like or unlike all tweets as well. The pro plan starts at $7.99 per month.

If you have any issues while using Circleboom to bulk delete Twitter likes, you can share it with us in the comments below. You might also find some of our articles below quite useful in managing your Twitter account:

You can also download Circleboom iOS Twitter app.



Zülküf İbrahim Erkol

A lifelong learner and SEO specialist working for Circleboom