You are not alone. A lot of us are in the same boat.

Sadaf chowdhary
1 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by Austin Mabe on Unsplash

On most days you are the happiest and the life makes perfect sense.

Others days you wonder if you are mentally capable of living an actual life. If you have the capacity left for any slightest inconvenience the future holds for you.

No matter how good your life is, no matter how satisfied you are, you always feel that you are out of your packet of energy and any tiniest problem will take you out.

You feel like you don’t have tolerance for minor things. You can not stand slightest disagreements, hurt and problems that other people easily deal with without a second thought.

You feel like even though you are the happiest at the momeng but you are too burned out for the future.

You are not alone. A lot of us are in the same boat.



Sadaf chowdhary

I am a clinical Psychologist and passionate writer. i just give my thoughts comely words.