AI & Art

3 min readApr 29, 2020




Named after a post-Impressionist painter, GauGAN is an AI that creates a photorealistic image from a simple sketch. Users can use a paintbrush to draw out the overall impression of an image (sky, water, mountain) and GauGAN will automatically generally an artwork based on user input.

Rogue One: A Star War Story by Colie Wertz

GANs mean generative adversarial networks. GANs are “neural networks” that teach themselves through their own experimentation with a large number of databases consists of real photography or drawings from the existing world. Some critics argued that this AI “Art” has no originality because the product is only a sophisticated variation of pre-existing art.

My experiment

Data Sculpture

Refik Anadol is an artist who uses data and artificial intelligence to create visual artwork. He uses machine learning algorithms to process existing data and visualize them with computer-generated imagery.

Anadol gathers data from an EEG (electroencephalogram) that measures participants’ changes in brain wave activity. The unique algorithm them analyzed the collected “memories” data and generate visualization. This project utilized new technology that enables visitors to experience aesthetic interpretations inside a human brain.

Google Magenta

Google Magenta is an open-source project that uses AI to create electric music. The project explores the role of AI as a tool in the creative process. Google Brain researcher Douglas Eck said “I do mean furthering our creativity as people. I don’t mean pushing a button, standing back, and watching the computer make art”.

The music produced by Magenta, however, is often criticized as a lack of soul. It couldn't produce interesting sounds that are created by accident or related to human imperfections.

Out of Order

This is purely an imagination: a robot was out of order and accidentally created an artwork. Robots were designed to be reliable and obedient, doing relatively repetitive tasks. What happens once this flawless worker drifts away into a daydream?

Out of Order by Atelier Robotiq

This LED light fixture gradually transitions from regular to irregular. It visualizes the transition from a repetitive robotic order to a disordered structure created out of free will. Of course, in this project, everything is staged. It’s raised an interesting question: contrasting to existing AI where artwork was created intentionally by human, is the future of AI art created by accident or on AI’s free will?

