
11 min readJul 28, 2021


A Pick-up & Delivery Laundry Application.


Currently, laundry services are in great demand by the public. They are very busy with the activities that make them not have time to wash clothes and most of them spend the off day relaxing from doing any strenuous activities, so it is not surprising to open a laundry service and dry clean business that is promised. Along with the development of technology, people usually prefer a tendency towards something that is instant and not complicated.

Therefore, we present an application-based system that is expected to be able to meet consumptive needs and people’s demands for something instant. With this laundry application, it is very easy for customers, because in one of its features they do not need to come to the laundry place because the courier can take the laundry to their respective places. Especially in the current pandemic era, many people are afraid to leave the house. In this application, customers will not be afraid to lose their laundry, because customers can see the details of their laundry activities transparently only through the application.

Project Summary

This is a group project done while joining an online course of Fronted Development (UI/UX design using Figma) from the Summer Program 2021 organized by Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This program aims to share knowledge of information technology and to expand the collaboration between universities and IT communities. We are required to create a case study that focuses on solving problems and be useful. To develop this project, we are teached to use a design thinking method to help us have a better understanding that leads us to produce a good final solution.

Group 5

  • Achmad Bayu AlBait AlFatich
  • Widia Saraswati
  • Zurina Nurfitri
  • I Gede Raka Sadiantara
  • Ilham Shodiq Mu’arif Billah
  • Harisa Ruhma Salsabila

Briefing: Create a new laundry App

Structured process of the project:

1) Observe

At this stage, we are observing problems about the experience from the past laundry services and other expectations for a better laundry service.


We used to start with listing the problems found from the current situation and also from the experience of using the laundry service. So some of the problems are:

  • Lack of time to do the household chores such as washing the dirty clothes daily.
  • The safety and the quality of the clothes from some services are not guaranteed.
  • Unreasonable price for a certain clothes weight.
  • Bad location.

Problems description

From the previous subtopic, we have listed some of the problems found in the laundry industry. A very popular problem faced by career people is lack of time. Too much work and being busy makes them need more rest if there is any free time. Some of them prefer to spend time with their family members on holidays. So, by sending their dirty clothes to the laundry will give them a hand to help them manage the laundry as well.

The next problem is that some of the laundry provide bad quality services. Customers found that sometimes their clothes turn yellowish, shrinkage occurs, holes in clothes and some even lose their clothes. The sadder thing is when the customer is unable to claim compensation for negligence on the part of the laundromat. To avoid this problem, the laundry should provide an alternative to maintain the quality of the services.

Unreasonable price for a certain clothes weight is the most unfair thing for the customers. Pricing is the most important thing to be reasonable. If the service provided is satisfied then it will be reasonable if the price is quite high. But when it turns to a soaring price for the certain weight of clothes it will cause dissatisfaction among customers.

Location is one of the important things when it comes to a laundry business especially to the residential customers. The laundromat must be set up in a safe place and not too far from the residential area. Moreover, if the laundry will be open late at night and early in the morning, a reliably safe location will make the customers satisfied. A strategic location will make customers easier for customers to do their laundry.

User Interview

In this stage, we conducted an online survey and personal interviews from some participants. It helps us to validate problems and gather data related to this project. The things that have been done at this stage are as follows:

a. Defining Interview’s Objective

  • Collecting users’ experiences from laundry service.
  • Find the user’s expectations on laundromat.
  • Observe problems that often occur when doing laundry.

b. Targeting Participants

By targeting the participants will make it easier to obtain the required data. The characteristic of the participants are as follows:

  • Experienced use a laundry service
  • A frequent laundry user
  • Employees
  • Students
  • Residents in urban areas

c. Conducting Personal Interviews

Result of the online survey leads us to conduct personal interviews with two selected participants to obtain more related information. We used to be closer to the participants.

d. Participants’ Data Interviewed

By interviewing two selected participants, we are able to have a certain data from the participants that has been interviewed as follows:

  1. Naufal Hayyu T, a 20 years old student from Jember
  2. Yushela Sarah, a 28 years old career women from Trosobo, Sidoarjo

2) Empathize

In this stage, we need to find out the experiences, emotions and situations of the users. The previous online survey and personal interviews help us to understand the user needs. To make it easier we made an empathy map for each participant that has been interviewed.

Empathy Map

  • Naufal Hayyu T
  • Yushela Sarah

3) Define

After knowing the user needs, we will describe the user ideas and views that will be the basis for making a product or application. Things that we do in this stage are:

User Pesona

  • Naufal Hayyu T
  • Yushela Sarah

User Scenarios

  • Naufal Hayyu T
  • Yushela Sarah

Customer Journey Map

  • Naufal Hayyu T
  • Yushela Sarah

4) Ideate


We start this stage with brainstorming ideas among the team members to produce solutions to the problems of this project. Each of the team members is able to generate our own ideas. Fortunately, all members are able to embrace wild ideas and avoid any misunderstandings. To make it easier, we made a data collection table and idea categorized table as below:

Collecting Data

Categorize Idea

As shown in the table above, creating a feature that displays progress details has been selected as the main idea to solve the problems for this project.

User Flow

We create a user flow to help us find out the needs from users. Then, they will find something they are looking for and achieve their goals.


Sitemap is a floor plan of an application. So we choose to create this map to help us provide a visual representation of the structure of the application and how the various parts can be linked together. It is helpful and easier for users to find information on the application without having to navigate through multiple pages.


By creating a wireframe, we are able to explore ideas rather than visual design. For a better understanding and visualizing the application, we are using Figma to sketch the wireframe.

5) Prototype

UI Design

  • Overview

Overall, our target user for this app is for Indonesian. So, this app is in Indonesian Language. However, if the user required to change the language, users are able to change it at the setting option.

  • Official logo

We created a logo identity for this app first. We chose the name “Mo Laundry” because we wanted the app to be memorable for many people. When someone wants to go to the laundry they just say “Mo Laundry”. And then I pick the blue color to describe “clean things” in the laundry process. Here is the logo.

In this design we used font blue (#2A9DDD) as the main color.

  • Onboarding Screen

Onboarding screen is important as an introduction of the application to the user. In the following I show the benefits of the application to users to make them feel confident when using this Application.

  • Login & Sign Up

Users can register on the app easily, they only need to write their full name, email, address, and create a password. While logging is simply by email and password only.

  • Total Items Confirmation

When the courier comes to the user to collect an item, they will confirm to the user the total number of laundry items. This is to maintain transparency and avoid losing user items.

  • Laundry Progress

Provides clear information about laundry progress. It will displayed on the “beranda” and the “order screen”

  • Helpful & Communicative Chat

It is easy for users to make complaints or ask for help with live chat. Users can access the live chat through the bottom navigation bar or directly on the “order details” screen.

  • Botton Navigation

This app has 4 menus that contain home, service, order, and profile. Menu contains user address, promo & tips, laundry progress and laundry services. Order contains a list of orders, support to make complaints or ask for help, and profile to change user personal identity and detail pick up & delivery.

  • Make an Order

Users will start on the “home” screen to select the available services and types of services based on their needs. Then the user sets the pick-up time and waits for the courier to arrive. Users will confirm the order and make payment. And yup it’s done! Just wait and see the laundry process through the app. When it’s finished, the courier will come again to deliver the items.

Interaction Design

After creating the UI design, we tried to make some screen interactions using Figma. We found that using Figma to create the interactions is easier and satisfying. You can check the prototype through the link below:

6) Testing

Test idea

To find out whether the Mo Laundry application is in accordance with the user’s needs, we do user testing, besides that we also do usability testing so that we know whether the application we make is easy to use for the user. We conducted a trial with early adopters of the MO Laundry application, namely students and housewives.

There are several test results from applications that we have created using maze design tools. There are several activities that we have tested with users which include:

  • Login Task


Login Usability Breakdown

Login Feature Rating

  • Ordering Task


Order Usability Breakdown

Order Rating

  • Progress Detail Task


Progress Detail Usability Breakdown

  • Profile & Invoice Order Mission


Profile & Invoice Order Mission Usability Breakdown

  • Service Mission


Service Mission Usability Breakdown

User Feedback

Rating of Application:

Number of respondents from the laundry application:

So the display below is the number of respondents from our application who have tested our application through the maze design tools.


To make it short, all of the participants did the tasks as required easily. However, there is still some feedback from the participants that need to be fixed such as allowing users to login to the app using something other than an email. This is because some of the older generation do not have any email. So, to solve this problem, we would like to make an improvement by allowing users to login to the app by using an email or just enter the phone number that they have already registered. Design of the register page and login page have been improve as below:

Register Page:

Login Page:


All the team members simply concluded that this application could be accepted by the community because the results of the respondents’ assessment showed a fairly good rating. Therefore, we hope that our application can be problem solved in various problems, especially problems regarding household chores such as washing the dirty clothes. This application is also suitable for all generations.

UI Design link:

Wireframe link:

Prototype link:

