What is New in Cross Compiling Haskell

September Edition

2 min readOct 8, 2017

ICFP was a blast, and I think we made quite some progress in getting some of the cross compilation diffs merged. Facetime does pay off!

The Q monad extension for template haskell (D3608) will need some adjustments going forward. I hope these will be sorted out by the end of October.

Herbert Valerio Riedel announced the head.hackage hackage overlay. This allows to have a set of patches which are turned into a separete hackage repository, and the packages are picked from that repository rather than from the upstream hackage repository if a patched package exists. This is somewhat similar to how Eta’s Etlas works. Though as far as I understand, Etlas does the patching on the client side, whereas the hackage overlay approach patches the packages on the server side and provides a separte hackage repository, which takes preceedence over the upstream hackage repository.

As such I’ve asked Herbert to give me a jump start on builing hackage overlays and now hackage.mobilehaskell.org is live. It contains so far only a single patched package, namely zlib. The patch works around a cross compilation complication with hsc2hs. The patches can be found in the mobilehaskell/hackage-overlay github repository.

hackage.mobilehaskell.org also contains a highly experimental preview of ghc binary distributions with iOS, Android and Raspberry Pi cross compilers for macOS Sierra, as well as Android and Raspberry Pi cross compilers for Linux (debian 8) built with the llvmng llvm backend.

I hope to write some more about the llvmng backend, the hackage overlay, as well as the binary distributions throughout October.

