Provisioning a NixOS server from macOS

4 min readJan 17, 2018


Nix is a purely functional package manager and NixOS is a purely functional Linux distribution. I have been running a NixOS server for a while now, and been quite happy with the configuration. However updating it has essentially been copying the configuration.nix file over and calling nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade. This builds packages that are not in the cache on the server. NixOps is the NixOS cloud deployment tool and I should be able to use it to provision the server. Specifically using NixOps on macOS seems to be rather uncommon. I’ll detail my process, so that we all may benefit from using NixOps on macOS to provision a NixOS linux server.


Over the last few days I’ve moved over to S3 and fastly. I’ve also started adding automation, so that changes (patches to cabal packages) in the hackage-overlay repository will automatically be reflected on In general I prefer my software to not be built on the server, but rather on some build machine, and then only have the final binary be deployed on the server. NixOps with a build slave allows for this setup.

Setting up Nix and Nix on Darwin (macOS)

Note: when ever running scripts from the internet, verify that the code you run is what you actually want to run!

Setting up nix and nix-darwin has become quite easy these days. Installing nix can be done with

$ curl | sh

and installing nix-darwin is similarly only a shell command away

$ bash <(curl

If this all installed successfully, you should find darwin-rebuild and darwin-option in your $PATH.

Setting up a docker build slave

Now that we have nix installed, we still can’t build software for our server, as the server runs x86_64-linux but we are on x86_64-darwin. Luckily there is docker for mac which allows us to run Linux contains on macOS, and Daiderd Jordan provides not only nix-darwin but also nix-docker.

With docker for mac installed we can try out a container

$ docker run --rm -it lnl7/nix nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'

which should drop us right into the nix-repl in a docker x86_64-linux container, which we can verify with

nix-repl> system

To turn that into a build slave, we’ll need to run

$ docker run --restart always --name nix-docker -d -p 3022:22 lnl7/nix:ssh

add the necessary ssh key

$ git clone
$ mkdir -p /etc/nix
$ chmod 600 ssh/insecure_rsa
$ cp ssh/insecure_rsa /etc/nix/docker_rsa

and add the ssh configuration to ~root/.ssh/config

Host nix-docker
User root
Port 3022
IdentityFile /etc/nix/docker_rsa

Why do we need to add it to root? Because the nix-daemon will run the build as root. Now try to connect to the machine as root

$ sudo ssh nix-docker

and answer yes to add the host to the list of known hosts.

Teaching nix about the x86_64-linux build slave

At this point we have our build slave working, but nix doesn’t know about it yet. You will need to set

nix.distributedBuilds = true;
nix.buildMachines = [ {
hostName = "nix-docker";
sshUser = "root";
sshKey = "/etc/nix/docker_rsa";
systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
maxJobs = 2;
} ];

in your ~/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix to tell nix about your build slave. You will also need

services.nix-daemon.enable = true;

to ensure that the nix-daemon is launched with the proper environment variables (see cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.nix-daemon.plist after a rebuild). And run

$ darwin-rebuild switch

Test: building a package for x86_64-linux

To verify the setup works we will build a slightly modified hello for x86_64-linux with nix-build

$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; hello.overrideAttrs (drv: { rebuild = builtins.currentTime; })'

Note: --check won’t work, as it will not respect the system setting!


Using nixops at this point should be rather easy. All you need to ensure is that your configuration contains the nixpkgs.system = "x86_64-linux" attribute.

{ webserver = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
{ deployment.targetHost = "...";
nixpkgs.system = "x86_64-linux";

Note: with Nix 2 this needs to be nixpkgs.localSystem.system instead of nixpkgs.system as Jezen Thomas kindly noted in the comments.

With that set, you should be able to run nixops deploy

$ nixops deploy -d myserver
building all machine configurations...
webserver> copying closure...
myserver> closures copied successfully
webserver> activating the configuration...
webserver> setting up /etc...
webserver> activation finished successfully
myserver> deployment finished successfully

and have your NixOS server successfully deployed from macOS.

If you like what you read and want to support further work like this, feel free to support me via patreon or send cryptocurrencies to

