User Interface and its linkage with well developed Mobile apps.

3 min readNov 29, 2016


Mobile apps are the most potential tools to engage a large number of global audience. An eye-catchy, loaded with features app is something which every entrepreneur wishes to engage their audience with.

Any app development project requires market research to understand the behaviour of the target market. An app’s credibility is highly dependent on the user interface and user design aspects of the app. A bad user experience can be a result of bad user interface.

Importance of User Interface in mobile app design and development

A few important concepts to keep in mind while designing the app are.

  1. Responsive design is Vital!

While designing the user interface of the mobile app one must keep in mind the app will be downloaded and used on a wide variety of mobile operating devices and varied devices.A special focus needs to be put on handling issues associated with displaying the app on multiple mobile devices.

2. Keep it simple yet attract the end-user

A minimalist style doesn’t guarantee a simple user interface. The best a well-designed app can do its first-time user is help in easily using and navigating across the app without the need for going through detailed instructions or guides. A simple user interface allows the user to perform multiple tasks using a few simple taps, touches or swipes.Using colours, patterns and textures effectively lets you keep your app’s interface as simple as possible.This encourages in more downloads and users of the app.

3. The OS — Operating system guidelines are for a reason

A brilliant user interface is a direct result of understanding and using the required operating system’s rules and guidelines and implementing them strategically.It is necessary to adhere to the multiple systems.It allows to try out innovations with the touch gestures, navigation systems and interactions which in turn enables you to implement your user interface design in an improved format. An app is not easily made available on Apple store and Google play, it is rigidly scrutinised, so it’s better to do fair bit of research on the kind of apps made available on these stores and the guidelines used in implementing them.

4. Keeping the user interface graphical

Given a choice between an exciting, feature-oriented app and another app with a not so creative, text-heavy design app which one would you prefer? Obviously the feature-oriented one. It is going to keep you engaged and keep getting you to return to the app. This is because of a great UI design.

5. Prototype — Testing — Involve real users.

While you are evaluating your prototype, opinions, for evaluating different UI design opinions, it is best to involve real users. This should be done at an early stage of development, it reduces the confusion of which features should be included and which should be let go off. It reduces the need for re-working again on unnecessary components leading to cost-reduction, time-reduction and optimum utilisation of resources.

The look of an app’s User Interface depends on the target market. it is important to give your audience a user interface which is easy to understand and user-friendly. The app and mobile development industry is continuously advancing and growing at a blazing speed. What would set your app apart from other apps is the user engagement and ease of use, which would bring the user repeatedly back to the app and prefer your app and services over others.

We at ZWEEZLE specialise in web/mobile application design and development. We understand and research your target market to develop creative, user-friendly apps incorporating latest designs and following the operating system guidelines. Get in touch at , to take your business to its true potential and reach the global audience.

Originally published at on November 29, 2016.

