I’m Building the Best Internet of Things Platform in the World

Charlie Key
2 min readDec 2, 2015

My goal for the next 5+ years? To build the best Internet of Things company in the world, that will enable an entire new generation of creators everywhere. We’re called Losant. Note that “best in the world” isn’t a throw away phrase. It’s an important distinction.

The other day I had a fantastic conversation with a successful and insightful entrepreneur and investor, @schigel. We both believe that if you’re going to tackle a problem, you must have a singular mission: be the best at solving the problem. That mindset is a key attribute that makes an excellent entrepreneur.

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”
- Steve Jobs

Becoming the best is a process that includes several moving pieces in order to make it happen. The first and most important is people. Recruiting excellent partners to go on this journey with you will be the hardest thing you’ll do. Not only do these adventurers need to be world class at their job, they need to believe that you are better together.

Once you’ve rounded up your team you need to put together a strategy to work your way to the top. This means taking a deep look at the market to understand where you and your merry band of bandits fit in. This is where stubbornness comes in. You’ll get a ton of people telling you there isn’t room and that everything has already been done. Instead of folding, you know that the truth is that the market is ripe for disruption.

Next up: working every single day, day in and day out to build the best company the world has ever seen. Don’t think you can do it? Well, pack it up. You don’t have what it takes just yet. If you’re still here, you must be working. This part isn’t sexy. It is going out there, beating down doors, being told “No” all the time, and picking yourself up and doing it again.

Keep Working Everyday

At the heart of this entire process are the needs of your customer. They are your true north. They keep you honest when you do something you shouldn’t. They reward you when you add value to their lives or businesses. Most importantly, you wouldn’t exist without them.

If you are out there right now building a startup, take a little time to think about if you’re creating the best in class. If you aren’t, what’s standing in your way?



Charlie Key

Co-founder of @LosantHQ. On a mission to enable the world to easily and securely build connected experiences using the Internet of Things.